
The 2018 Annual Report of Cancer Drug Resistance

Published on: 30 Jan 2019 Viewed: 3660

Since the first issue of Cancer Drug Resistance (CDR) was officially published on March 19, 2018, more and more scientists pay attention to this journal and are inspired by the journal’s achievement throughout the year. In 2018, CDR published a total of 20 papers, which have been cited 21 times (by Google Scholar)/14 times (by Crossref) within this year. With the continuous support of scientists worldwide, 7 Special Issues on topics such as "Pharmacogenetics of Cancer", "Non-coding RNAs in Response and Resistance to Therapy in Cancer", "Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Cancer", etc. are open for submission. The Special Issues in 2018 were particularly successful, which have broadened the understanding of experts in the field. We are pleased that some international conferences (including GRC, BACR, etc.) offered CDR support and all Editorial Board members are fully involved in contributing to CDR. By the end of 2018, we would like to express our gratitude to all contributors and are pleased to use this opportunity to show the progress of the journal.

1.Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Godefridus J. Peters

Editorial Board Members: 28 (from VU University Medical Center, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, etc.)

In 2018, we would like to thank all the Editorial Board members for their kind suggestions on the orientation of journal development and continuous support to CDR.


In 2018, CDR has totally received 47 submissions.

  • Published Papers: 20
  • Rejected Papers: 5
  • Under Processing: 22
  • Percentage of Rejection: 11%

A List of Authors by Country/Region:

A List of Published Papers by Article Type:

Article Processing Time (from Submission to Publication):

Article No.1234567891011121314151617181920
Processing Time (PT)/days485849741794533064545783832123701107516
Average Processing Time (APT)/days51.3

Views, Downloads and Citations (Total):

 Views (by Google)Views (by Google)Citations (by Crossref)

Views, Downloads and Citations (Top Six):


4.Special Issues

In 2018, CDR organized 7 Special Issues on hot topics of cancer drug resistance.

Special IssueGuest EditorsSubmission DeadlinePublished PapersManuscript(s) Under Processing
1. Targeted Cancer TherapyDr. Elisa Giovannetti
Dr. Jose Antonio Rodriguez
3 Sept 20187/
Special IssueGuest EditorsSubmission DeadlineManuscripts Pending SubmissionManuscript(s) Under Processing/Published
2. Pharmacogenetics of CancerProf. Enrico Mini
Dr. Stefania Nobili
31 Oct 20181012
3. Epigenetic Basis of Cancer Drug ResistanceDr. Aamir Ahmad20 Dec 2018185/1
4. Papers from the BACR Conference-Response and Resistance in Cancer TherapyDr. Tim Fenton
Prof. Michelle Garrett
Prof. Martin Michaelis
Dr. Mark Wass
20 Dec 2018/2/2
5. Drug Resistance Mechanisms in CancerDr. Helen M. Coley31 Mar 2019663
6. Non-coding RNAs in Response and Resistance to Therapy in Cancer Prof. Francois-Xavier Claret
Dr. José Rueff
30 Jun 201911/
7. Drug Resistance and Cancer Stem CellDr. Miroslav Blumenberg30 Apr 2019//

5.Promotion of the Journal

We are honored that the following conferences allowed some of our EBMs to promote CDR during the meetings.

(1)The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Drug Resistance
Time and Venue: July 22-27, 2018, Smithfield, Rhode Island, United States
 (2)The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Personalized Medicine
Time and Venue: July 22-27, 2018, Smithfield, Rhode Island, United States
 (3)The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on DNA Topoisomerases in Biology and Medicine
Time and Venue:July 29–August 3, 2018. Mount Holyoke College, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA, United States
(4)The BACR Special Conference "Response and Resistance in Cancer Therapy"
Time and Venue:September 10-12, 2018, University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom

Finally, we thank all the scientists for their interest and support in CDR throughout the year. Cancer Drug Resistance aims to be a high-quality academic journal in cancer drug resistance and is preparing for the evaluation for indexing in some well-recognized databases like PubMed, SCI, etc. within a few years. For instance, the journal is already indexed in Google Scholar. Your understanding and continuous support are cornerstone for our progress. We are convinced that Cancer Drug Resistance will grow into a leading journal of this field in the near future.

Cancer Drug Resistance
ISSN 2578-532X (Online)


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