
Metabolism and Target Organ Damage Accepted for Inclusion in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) in August 2024!

Published on: 29 Aug 2024 Viewed: 122

Metabolism and Target Organ Damage (M&TOD) has been officially selected for inclusion in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI, Web of Science) on August 19, 2024, marking a significant milestone for the journal. All articles published in  M&TOD since 2021 will be fully indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection.


Inclusion in ESCI is determined by the Clarivate editorial staff based on strict criteria, including high publishing standards, exceptional editorial quality, and citation metrics within the Web of Science. Journals that meet these criteria are eligible for consideration in more prestigious indices such as the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), which involve rigorous evaluation processes and stringent selection criteria.

The Editorial Office expresses heartfelt gratitude to all Editorial Board members, authors, reviewers, and readers for their invaluable support and contributions to M&TOD. We remain committed to publishing high-quality articles, fostering academic exchange, and advancing the field of metabolism.

Editor: Alani Luo
Language Editor: Catherine Yang
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of Metabolism and Target Organ Damage