Publication Fees

All manuscripts submitted to OAE journals are assumed to be submitted under Open Access publishing model, under which authors are required to pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) when their manuscripts are accepted for publication. There is no submission charge, or additional charges based on color, length, figures, or other elements.

Article Processing Charges

The fees and discounts may be subject to periodic revision. The publication fees vary by journal.

Journal Title
Article Processing Charges (USD)
Ageing and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Artificial Intelligence Surgery
Cancer Drug Resistance
Complex Engineering Systems
Chemical Synthesis
Carbon Footprints
Disaster Prevention and Resilience
Energy Materials
Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids
Green Manufacturing Open
Hepatoma Research
Intelligence & Robotics
Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment
Journal of Materials Informatics
Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics
Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety
Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment
Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics
Metabolism and Target Organ Damage
Microbiome Research Reports
Mini-invasive Surgery
Plastic and Aesthetic Research
Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal
Soft Science
The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging
Vessel Plus

Article Processing Charge Discount and Waiver Policies

  • The following discounts and waivers will be given if the manuscript falls into one of following categories.
  • Corresponding authors are based in countries/regions defined by the World Bank as Low-income economies can apply for a 100% APC waiver.
  • Corresponding authors are based in countries/regions defined by the World Bank as Lower-middle-income economies can apply for a 50% discount of the standard publication fees.
  • The following articles are free to publish (no APC is payable):
    Retractions and expressions of editorial concern
  • Others, each journal will decide whether to charge fees according to the actual situation.
  • Additionally, we will also consider individual full or partial waiver requests on a case-by-case basis in situations where there is a lack of funds.

How to Request an Article Processing Charge Discount or Waiver?

  • Before submitting your manuscript online, you could contact a specific journal's Managing Editor with the following information:
    Your name and institution with full address details;
    Reason for applying for a waiver or discount;
    Title of your paper;
    Places of residence of all authors.
  • Please note that your request of a discount or waiver won't influence the outcome of your submission. Your paper will go through standard peer review as usual.

When Is the Article Processing Charge Payable?

After any discounts or waivers are taken into account, charges are payable once the manuscript has been accepted for publishing.

How do I Pay?

Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the Payer will be notified to confirm the invoice information and complete the payment. The author or his institution or employer needs to arrange payment unless a waiver has been granted. We advise prompt payment as we are unable to publish accepted articles until payment has been received.

  • Payment can be made by the following method:
  • Payment by Bank Transfer

If you choose wire transfer, please provide the Manuscript ID when transferring the payment. Payment in USD must be made by wire transfer to the OAE bank account. Bank fees must be paid by the customer for both the payer and payee so that OAE can receive the full invoiced amount. Note that the transfer fee for using Wire transfer is $50. For example, you need to send 1550 USD (1500 USD + 50 USD) so that OAE can receive 1500 USD.

SWIFT Code (International): EWBKUS66XXX

Beneficiary's Name: OAE PUBLISHING INC.
Beneficiary's Address: 245 E Main Street Ste 107, Alhambra CA 91801, USA

Bank Account Number (USD, US Dollars Account): 8003110254
Routing Number (Domestic): 322070381
Bank Name: East West Bank
Receiving Bank Address: 135 N Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 USA

  • Payment by PayPal

Please transfer to OAE PayPal account and provide the Manuscript ID (Manuscript_ID) when transferring the payment. Note that the fee for using PayPal is 5% of the invoiced amount. For example, you need to send 1575 USD (1500 USD + 5%) so that OAE can receive 1500 USD.

What Are Article Processing Charges?

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1. Publishing Platform Operations & Development

OAE develops and maintains its own Submission Management System, alongside a highly interactive digital platform.

2. Journal Publication

  • Acquisitions Editors: Acquisitions editors play a crucial role in establishing connections and fostering communication with authors. They aid in cultivating a wide-reaching academic network and attracting high-quality submissions, ensuring their academic value and originality.
  • Peer-review: OAE employs in-house editors as a bridge to connect authors, the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Boards, reviewers, and the Editorial Office. They provide assistance in addressing queries and requests throughout the submission, peer-review, and post-publication processes, ensuring the successful publication of high-quality manuscripts.
  • Layout & Production: OAE provides academic article formatting, editing, proofreading, PDF and XML creation, graphical abstract and video abstract production, and language editing services.
  • Marketing Editors: Through diverse channels (such as LinkedIn, Twitter, WeChat, Bilibili, YouTube, and other multimedia platforms), marketing editors promote scholars' papers to a wider audience, increasing the visibility and influence of research.
  • Permanent Archiving: The journal is archived in Portico, which provides a permanent archive of electronic scholarly journals.
  • Indexed Databases: The Editorial Office is dedicated to continuously expanding the inclusion of all journals within academic databases to enhance the exposure and impact of articles. Additionally, the editorial team regularly updates relevant information and metadata of the journals to ensure their searchability and discoverability within databases.

3. Third-Party Payments

OAE often involves third-party payments, such as membership fees for services like Crossref, STM, COPE, ALPSP, ORCID, and others.

4. Office Costs

  • OAE provides stipends to all Editors-in-Chief and some Guest Editors as a token of appreciation for their contributions to journals.
  • Office and administrative expenses, including staff salaries, are also covered.

5. Discounts & Waivers

OAE annually waives 30% to 40% of APCs for scholars. (An APC is clearly listed on the journal websites to transparently inform authors about the publication cost associated with their submissions). Our mission is to empower scholars from diverse backgrounds to share their research with the global community, advancing knowledge and innovation without barriers.

For more details, please refer to the 'Article Processing Charge Discount and Waiver Policies' section.

6. Academic Events

OAE covers expenses related to the organization and sponsorship of academic conferences, supports activities of academic associations, and provides various incentives to assist researchers.

Refund Policy

We do not offer refunds for open access once articles have been published.