
24 OAE Journals Successfully Included in J-Gate

Published on: 9 May 2023 Viewed: 1122

We are pleased to announce that the 24 OAE journals have been included in the J-Gate database on April 25, 2023. The inclusion of OAE journals in J-Gate will allow authors around the world to easily discover and access its content.

Since its launch in 2001, J-Gate has gradually developed into a well-established platform for the discovery of global e-journal literature. To date, J-Gate covers more than 130 countries and 13,000 publishers and has included 25,000 open access journals, which cover a wide range of disciplines in the agriculture and biological sciences, arts and humanities, basic sciences, medical sciences, engineering and technology, social and management sciences and other fields.

Up to now, the list of OAE journals included in J-Gate is as follows:
NumberJournal titleISSN
1Ageing and Neurodegenerative Diseases (AND)2769-5301
2Artificial Intelligence Surgery (AIS)2771-0408
3Cancer Drug Resistance (CDR)2578-532X
4Complex Engineering Systems (CES)2770-6249
5Connected Health (CH)2831-6320
6Chemical Synthesis (CS)2769-5247
7Carbon Footprints (CF)2831-932X
8Disaster Prevention and Resilience (DPR)2832-4056
9Energy Materials (EM)2770-5900
10Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids (EVCNA)2767-6641
11Green Manufacturing Open (GMO)2835-7590
12Hepatoma Research (HR)2454-2520
13Intelligence & Robotics (IR)2770-3541
14Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment (JCMT)2454-2857
15Journal of Materials Informatics (JMI)2770-372X
16Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics (JTGG)2578-5281
17Journal of Smart Environments and Green Computing (JSEGC)2767-6595
18Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety (JSSS)2694-1015
19Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment (JEEA)2771-5949
20Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics (WEC&N)2831-2597
21Metabolism and Target Organ Damage (M&TOD)2769-6375
22Microbiome Research Reports (MRR)2771-5965
24Minerals and Mineral Materials (MMM)2832-269X
25Mini-invasive Surgery (MIS)2574-1225
26One Health & Implementation Research (OHIR)2769-6413
27Plastic and Aesthetic Research (PAR)2349-6150
28Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal (RDODJ)2771-2893
29Soft Science (SS)2769-5441
30The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging (JCA)2768-5993
31Vessel Plus (VP)2574-1209

We congratulate the Editorial Board members, authors, reviewers and editors of the journals and express our sincere appreciation for their contributions to the scientific community. OAE will continue to adhere to the mission of disseminating scientific research and promoting scientific innovation, providing a high-quality publishing platform for more scholars and experts and publishing more high-quality academic articles.