
Great News: A New Journal Chemical Synthesis Led by Professor Bao-Lian Su Officially Released Online

Published on: 26 Feb 2021 Viewed: 2301

On February 26, 2021, the new journal Chemical Synthesis was officially released online after two months of preliminary work.  The journal aims at becoming a cutting-edge platform for publishing high-quality chemical synthesis articles, which is launched by OAE Publishing Inc and led by the Editor-in-Chief, a well-known Professor, Bao-Lian Su.

As a new start-up in the field, OAE publishing Inc. has developed more than 10 influential journals related to biological medicine in the past six years. One of these high-quality journals has been indexed in famous databases such as CAS and Scopus. To better advocate open-access academic publishing, the corporation decides to expand its business by enriching the fields involved in our journals, such as   computing, material, physics, chemistry, etc. It is our honor to obtain affirmation from the well-known scholar Bao-Lian Su who expressed his willingness to serve as the Editor-in-Chief for our first journal in the chemical field. Dr. Su has carried out detailed planning for the journal and established the Editorial Board comprised of 14 outstanding scholars. With the joint efforts of Professor Su and all members of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Office, Chemical Synthesis will keep launching new issues adhering to the principle of "publishing outstanding articles only".

Editorial Board Introduction


The Editorial Board of Chemical Synthesis is comprised of 14 outstanding scholars who are well-experienced and specialized in the area. Each member has a unique understanding of chemical synthesis. Details are shown below.


Bao-Lian Su  Dr. Bao-Lian Su is Member of the European Academy of Sciences, Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, Clare Hall Life Member at University of Cambridge. Having been invited as referrer of Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Dr. Su is principal and chief scientist in more than 70 projects of EU, NATO and Belgian Federal Government. He is currently serving as the director of the Laboratory of Inorganic Materials Chemistry at the University of Namur, the director of the Center for Nanomaterials Chemistry, the former Dean of the School of Chemistry (2007-2010), and the Dean of the Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology in French-speaking University Consortium in Belgium. He is also a strategic scientist at Wuhan University of Technology and the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials Composite Technology.
 Awards he earned: The Adolphe Wetrems Award of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Belgium (2007), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Outstanding Contribution Award for New Materials and Synthesis (2011), the Belgian Federation "Francqui Chair" Award (2012), Government friendship Award of People's  Republic of China (2019), the First Prize of Natural Science of Hubei Province (2019), and the Darsh Wasan Award of International Colloid and Interface Science (2020).

Honorary Editors-in-Chief

Alain Krief  Dr. Alain Krief is the honorary professor of Namur University in Belgium, adjunct professor of H.E.J. Institute of Karachi University in Pakistan, executive director of International Organization for Chemical Development (IOCD), chairman of the Royal Society of Chemistry of Belgium (1993-1995), and visiting professor of many universities. He is a famous scientist in the field of organic chemistry in the world who has made outstanding contributions in the field of selenium organic chemistry. Considered as one of the pioneers and founders of organic selenium chemistry, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and many other awards and honors, including the French Academy of Sciences Award for Outstanding Research in Steroid Biosynthesis (1985). Dr. Krief has published more than 360 articles in high-impact academic journals.

Clément Sanchez  Dr. Clément Sanchez is Member of the European Academy of Sciences, Member of the French Academy of Sciences, Member of Academia Europaea, Fellow of the Material Research Society, and Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. He is also member of the expert team of the University of Paris VI, the director of the Paris Condensed Matter Material Chemistry Laboratory, the director of the Special Research Institute of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the author of several influential articles related to hybrid materials, member of the French National Scientific Research Center Committee (materials), chemistry expert of French Atomic Energy Center sol-gel, chairman of French C'Nano Ile de France nanochemistry, member of Maison de la Chimie council, scientific advisory committee member of SOLEI. He was rewarded by French Scientific Research Center and the French Chemical Society. With an H-index of 97, Dr. Sanchez has published more than 600 articles in a variety of international authoritative journals, with more than 40,000 citations in Scopus.

Section Editors

Laurent Billon — Editor in Polymeric Chemistry  Dr. Billon serves as the deputy director of the Joint Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, a distinguished professor, and the leader of the biomimetic materials group at the University of Pau/France Research Center. Besides, he is the chief scientist and main researcher in many national and international research projects. He has published 135 scientific publications in high-impact journals and held 15 patents. Besides, he gave 25 invited lectures at international conferences.

Jean-Luc Blin — Editor in Materials Chemistry
Dr. Blin is a professor of the University of Lorraine, Director of the Jean Barriol Institute, Director of the Center for Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Chairman of the 31st Division of the Council of French National Universities, Chairman of French National Research Institutions Committee: "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology for Future Products", and Chairman of the HCERES Research Unit Evaluation Committee.

Tong-Xiang Fan — Editor in Biomimetic Chemistry  Dr. Fan is a distinguished professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University, director of the Institute of Composite Materials, deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, director of the Youth Committee of the Chinese Society for Materials Research, and member of the Materials Science and Engineering Committee of the Chinese Society of Nonferrous Metals. Besides, he is among the Leading Talents in Science and Technology Innovation of the National Ten Thousand Talents Program (2017), and Leading Talents in Science and Technology Innovation of the Ministry of Science and Technology (2016). As a winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, he successively won the first prize of Shanghai Natural Science (2007, 2014), Shanghai Outstanding Academic Leader (2007, 2015), Shanghai Shuguang Scholar (2008), and the second prize of National Natural Science (2015, 2020).

Yann Garcia — Editor in Inorganic Chemistry  Dr. Garcia is professor of the Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanoscience at the Catholic University of Leuven (French), member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, associate editor of Mössbauer Effect Reference Data Journal, Editor-in-Chief of Current Inorganic Chemistry (2011-2018), chairman of the French-Speaking Mössbauer Society (GFSM), and member of the International Board on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (IBAME).

Qian-Jun He — Editor in Biomaterials and Nanomedicines  Dr. He is professor of Shenzhen University, Mary Curie scholar, core member of the Shenzhen “Precision Medicine” Peacock team, leading scholar and subject leader of Shenzhen University, head of the “Advanced Nanomedicine Laboratory” of the Medical Department of Shenzhen University, and Shenzhen overseas high-level talent. He won the "Lu Jiaxi" Young Talent Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the "President" Special Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the "Hundred Superior Doctor" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has published more than 100 SCI papers in a variety of top international journals, with more than 9,000 citations by Scopus. His H-index is 51 and more than 10 papers authored by him were selected as ESI "Highly Cited Papers"; in 2018, he was selected as "Global Highly Cited Scientist".

Ren-Hua Jin — Editor in Hybrid Materials  Dr. Jin is professor of the Department of Materials and Life Chemistry, Kanagawa University, Japan. He won the Young Chemistry Award of the Chinese Chemical Society (1988), and have published more than 100 papers in high-impact journals such as Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater, getting more than 80 patents. His current research interests lie in the structure and self-assembly of amphiphilic polymers, biomimetic mineralization, the design of hybrid nanomaterials with shape and/or chirality control, and their applications in catalysis, separation, optical materials, and sensing.

Stephane Siffert — Editor in Environmental Chemistry  Dr. Siffert is special-class professor of French Maritime University, director of the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Residual Biological Interactions, chief scientist of three European projects, including Interreg III "Retrai" (2002-2007), Interreg IV "Redugaz" (2009-2013) and Interreg V "DepollutAir" (2016-2022), and the chief scientist of 7 other national and international projects. He has written more than 110 scientific publications in a variety of high-impact journals, and delivered 180 speeches at international and domestic congresses.

Ying Wan — Editor in Green Catalysis  Dr. Wan is professor of Shanghai Normal University, council member of Shanghai Society of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, former associate editor of Journal of Porous Materials (2013-2020), and secretary of International Mesoporous Materials Association. She won the Young Scientist Award of the Chinese Chemical Society (2010) and the Second Prize of Shanghai Natural Science (2013), and was the winner of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Science Fund. With an H-index of 41, she has published more than 90 papers in publications such as Natl. Sci. Rev., Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Catal., being cited more than 9,000 times in Scopus.

Hai-Bo Yang — Editor in Supramolecular Chemistry  Dr. Yang is professor of Organic Chemistry at East China Normal University, and winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Concurrently serving as Chem (Cell Press) consultant editor (2016-), consultant editor of Org. Chem. Front. (RSC) (2016-) and Chinese Chemical Letters youth Editorial board member (2017-), he has written or co-authored more than 160 publications in a variety of high-impact journals, with an H-index of 51, his articles have been cited more than 7,000 times.

Xiang-Dong Yao — Editor in Energy Materials
 Dr. Yao is professor of the Queensland Micro-Nano Technology Center of Griffith University, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry who has made important contributions to nano-light metal materials in clean and sustainable energy. As winner of the National Overseas High-level Talents Program, he has published more than 200 SCI papers in authoritative journals in the field of chemistry, with more than 12,000 citations by Scopus; H-index: 61. He has been invited to give more than 50 reports at international/domestic academic conferences and more than 30 reports at internationally renowned research institutions. His current research focuses on energy materials, especially hydrogen-related materials.

Da-Gang Yu — Editor in CO2 and Organic Chemistry  Dr. Yu is professor of Sichuan University, senior member of the Chinese Chemical Society, and winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund. As the corresponding author, he has published 80 academic papers in CCS Chem.,  J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nature Commun. and other academic journals. His papers have been cited more than 5,000 times and his H-index is 50. In addition, he has given more than 50 reports in academic conferences, universities and enterprises at home and abroad, and has won a series of awards and honors.


The scope of the journal focuses on the breadth of the chemical synthetic sciences, covering fields from synthetic methodologies, property studies by theoretical calculations or instrumental approaches at molecular and/or nano levels of the obtained products (materials) to the applications in catalysis, energy conversion and storage, biomedical, pharmaceuticals, environment protection and remediation, etc.

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Chemical Synthesis has started receiving manuscripts since officially released online. If you wish to submit your article related to chemical synthesis, please click: