
18 Editorial Board Members and Authors Contributing to the Journals of OAE Elected to the List of "Highly Cited Researchers 2020" Announced by Clarivate Analytics

Published on: 19 Nov 2020 Viewed: 1891

On November 18, 2020, Clarivate Analytics announced the list of "Highly Cited Researchers 2020". Soon after that, the editors in journals of OAE also sorted out the relevant data to pick out those contributing to the journals of OAE as the Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Board members, or authors. According to statistics, in the list, a total of 18 renowned scholars contribute to four of the journals of OAE, including:

Cancer Drug ResistanceJournal of Cancer Metastasis and TreatmentJournal of Surveillance, Security and SafetyVessel Plus

Hereon, all editors in OAE are extending warm congratulations to these scholars on being selected to the list of "Highly Cited Researchers 2020" by Clarivate Analytics.

Cancer Drug Resistance

 Professor Gautam Sethi
National University of Singapore

 Professor Vladimir P. Torchilin
Northeastern University in the USA

 Professor John F. Seymour
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Australia

 Professor Torben Hansen
University of Copenhagen in Denmark

 Professor George A. Calin
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

 Professor Takahiro Ochiya
Tokyo Medical University in Japan

Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment

 Professor Gautam Sethi
National University of Singapore

 Professor Masahiro Watanabe
The University of Tokyo in Japan

 Professor Rafael Rosell
Catalan Institute of Oncology in Spain

 Professor Suresh Mathivanan
La Trobe University in Australia

 Professor David Cella
Northwestern University in the USA

 Professor Claus Garbe
University of Tübingen in Germany

 Professor Ulf Ziemann
University of Tübingen in Germany

Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety

 Professor Chen Xiaofeng
Xidian University in China

 Professor He Debiao
Wuhan University in China

 Associate Professor Sherali Zeadally
University of Kentucky in the USA

 Distinguished Professor Athanasios V. Vasilakos
University of Technology Sydney in Australia

 Professor Shen Jian
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology in China

Vessel Plus

 Professor Carl Lavie
The University of Queensland in Australia