
Cancer Drug Resistance Indexed in Scopus

Published on: 7 Mar 2021 Viewed: 4419

On 4th March, the Editorial Office received the pleasant news from Scopus Title Evaluation Support that Cancer Drug Resistance (CDR, ISSN:2578-532X (Online)) had been indexed in Scopus databse after rigorously evaluated by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). Not just for CDR, but also for OAE, this is a great breakthrough in the course of publishing development. The Editorial Office would like to express sincere gratitude to all Editorial Board members, guest editors, authors, readers, reviewers and all of those contributing to CDR.

As mentioned in the official email, this relatively new journal is publishing around 60 items per annum, with very high citation activity. The subject matter is important and the content is relatively fresh. It’s well-known that Scopus is the biggest abstract and citation database in the world, which covers the natural sciences, technology, engineering, medicine and social sciences, arts, humanities and many other disciplines. The evaluated indicator of Scopus: CiteScore, is regarded as the strongest competitor for the Impact Factor. The high recognition and praise of CDR from Scopus will encourage it to continue to adhere to the principle of high-quality publication, explore innovative academic topics and make every effort to publish valuable academic findings for promoting the innovation and development of scientific research. We firmly believe that in the near future, CDR will become a leading journal in the field.

Cancer Drug Resistance
ISSN 2578-532X (Online)


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