Partner's Meeting

Microbiome Research Reports (MRR) is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal. It has been indexed in ESCI, Scopus, PMC, CAS, and Lens.

Aims and Scope

The scope of the journal includes investigations of microbiomes present in one or various body compartments of human beings or other animals. Surveys on the establishment of microbial communities as well as on microbe-microbe interactions and microbe-host communication will be considered for publication. Specifically, emphasis will be placed on the identification and functional investigation of the role exerted by microbial taxa as well as microbial-genes and microbial metabolites markers associated with health and disease. MRR focuses on studies that not only provide compositional information pertaining to the microbiota/microbiome of various animal-associated niches, but also generate insights into molecular mechanisms underlying microbiome functionality. Thus, particular emphasis will be placed on functional interactions between microbes themselves, between microbes and their environment, and between microbes and their host.

The overall aim of MRR is to publish high quality researches from scientists with a common interest in microbiome/microbiota research in all its multidisciplinary aspects. The main areas of interest include but not limit to the following:

  • the structure, activities and communal behavior of microbial communities
  • microbial community genetics and evolutionary processes
  • microbial symbioses, microbial interactions
  • microbial metabolic and structural diversity
  • microbial physiology, growth and survival
  • microbes and surfaces, adhesion and biofouling
  • modelling, theory development and new analysis pipelines
  • viromes/phageome
  • antimicrobials and competition in microbiomes
  • fungal communities (mycobiomes)
  • exploration of microbial dark matter
  • culturomics approaches applied to microbiomes
  • metabolomics and proteomic approaches applied to microbiomes
  • metatranscriptomics applied to microbiomes
  • new technological developments in the study of composition and activities of microbial communities, as-yet uncultured microorganisms
  • gnotobiotic studies
  • develoment of minimal microbial consortia and synthetic communities for functional microbe-host studies
  • probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics and postbiotics
  • microbial-derived metabolites originating from food/feed and playing a role on host physiology
  • effect of microbiota modulation in gastrointestinal disorders
  • effect of microbiota modulation in metabolic disorders
  • novel treatments and clinical trials
  • impact of dietary components on the microbiota, and inter-individual variation in responses
  • host-microbiome interaction in immune response

Interdisciplinary studies of fundamental problems are particularly welcome. Microbiome Research Reports publishes a variety of formats including Original Research articles, Short Reports, Reviews and Commentaries, etc.


The journal is owned by OAE Publishing Inc.

Publishing Model

Gold open access. All articles published by MRR are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately from the date of publication. For further information, please refer to Open Access.

Copyright and License to Publish

Articles in MRR are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). The CC BY 4.0 allows for maximum dissemination and re-use of open access materials and is preferred by many research funding bodies. Under this license users are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) and remix (adapt) the contribution for any purposes, even commercially, provided that the users appropriately acknowledge the original authors and the source.

Copyright is retained by authors. Authors are required to sign a License to Publish (which can be downloaded from the journal's Author Instructions), granting MRR, which identifies itself as the original publisher, exclusive rights to publish their articles, and granting any third party the right to use the articles freely as long as the integrity is maintained and the original authors, citation details and publisher are identified.

Editorial Board

For more information about the editorial team, please refer to Editorial Board.

Editorial Policies

All manuscripts submitted to MRR should adhere to MRR's Editorial Policies.

Peer Review

The journal adheres to rigorous peer review and undergoes single-blind peer review. For more details, please refer to Editorial Process and Peer Review Guidelines.

Journal Information and Statistics

  • Publication model: Open access
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)

Indexing & Archiving

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Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


All published articles are preserved here permanently:


All published articles are preserved here permanently: