
State of the art and prospects in metal-organic framework-derived microwave absorption materials

Figure 2. (A) Schematic diagram of the growth process of Ni@C@ZnO; (B) SEM image; (C, D) TEM plots. Reprinted with permission[40]; (E, F) SEM images; (G) 3D RL diagram of S2. Reprinted with permission[45]; (H) The illustration of the synthesis strategy of Co/MnO/CNTs, SEM plots for (I) MnO2/ZIF-8 and (J) Co/MnO/CNTs; (K) The relationship between the RL and Mz with input impedance. Reprinted with permission[46]; (L) The illustration of synthesis strategy of N-GN; (M) SEM plots; (N) TEM images. Reprinted with permission[47]; (O) The SEM plots of NCNT/Ni1Co1/C, (P) RLmin value of all samples. Reprinted with permission[37]; (Q) The illustration of synthesis strategy of CoNiFe-PBA/GO aerogel derivatives; (R) TEM images; (S) RLmin value of S550. Reprinted with permission[33]. RL: Reflection loss; CNT: Carbon nanotube; N-GN: N-doped porous graphene carbon nanonets; NCNT: N-doped CNT; PBA: Prussian blue analog; GO: Graphene oxide; SEM: Scanning electron microscope; TEM: Transmission electron microscope.

Soft Science
ISSN 2769-5441 (Online)
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