
2023 Annual Report of Mini-invasive Surgery

Published on: 17 Jan 2024 Viewed: 561

In 2023, a remarkable surge in the progress of Mini-invasive Surgery (MIS) has been observed. This success can be attributed to the collaborative efforts of the editorial team, authors, reviewers, webinar and conference participants, readers, and editorial staff. Together, they have played a crucial role in helping MIS achieve remarkable milestones over the past year. The journal has garnered significant recognition from professionals and academics in relevant sectors. The editorial office of MIS takes pride in showcasing the journal's numerous achievements in 2023, emphasizing four key perspectives.

1. Publications

The year 2023 saw MIS receiving a total of 144 submissions, of which 39 were published, resulting in a rejection rate of 72.9%. Committed to upholding the standards of publishing high-quality papers, MIS covers a range of article types, including Original Articles, Reviews, Case Reports, Technical Notes, and Editorials (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Distribution of Publication Types.

These articles cover a wide range of research areas, such as minimally invasive pancreaticobiliary surgery, minimally invasive transthoracic resections, sleeve gastrectomy, esophageal anastomotic leaks, small renal masses, thyroid and parathyroid surgery, metabolic bariatric surgery, partial nephrectomy, colorectal surgery, and more. They have significantly influenced their respective fields, gaining international recognition in academia.

The 40 corresponding authors, among them influential figures such as Timothy Pawlik from The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Michael Bouvet from the University of California, Riccardo Autorino from VCU Health, Alessandro Zerbi from Humanitas University, and Ho-Seong Han from Seoul National University College of Medicine, are highlighted for their substantial contributions in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Distribution of H-Index of Corresponding Authors for Articles Published in 2023.

In 2023, a noteworthy total of 169 reviewers hailing from 23 nations or regions made substantial contributions to the paper review process, as depicted in Figure 3. Their meticulous analysis and constructive suggestions played a pivotal role in accelerating the development of MIS, significantly enhancing the value of the reviewed publications. The editors of MIS extend special appreciation to these reviewers for their generous contribution of time and energy.

Figure 3. Distribution of Reviewers by Country/Region.

2. Featured Contents

I. Special Issues

In 2023, MIS collaborated with 12 exceptional scholars to release 11 Special Issues, as illustrated in Figure 4. This initiative fostered a community of authors and readers who not only shared their perspectives but also suggested innovative paths for future research.

Figure 4. Covers of Special Issues.

II. Webinars

During 2023, MIS successfully hosted three online webinars that attracted an audience of over 50,000 individuals across various broadcasting platforms, earning acclaim from academics. The editorial office expresses sincere gratitude for the substantial support for these webinars, particularly from esteemed academics such as Professors Simon Ferrero and Hendrik Van Poppel, as depicted in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Detailed Information about the MIS Online Webinars.

III. Social Media

Throughout 2023, the editors of MIS actively engaged on Twitter, maintaining a dynamic presence. The official Twitter account, @MiniSurgery, disseminated real-time updates and garnered a following of over 1700 followers.

3. Citations

In 2023, MIS garnered significant recognition in the global academic community, with scholars citing it 95 times across 54 countries and regions. Figure 6 provides a detailed representation of the distribution of these citations, highlighting the widespread impact and academic value of MIS on a global scale.

Figure 6. Distribution by countries/regions of citations.

Table 1 provides an in-depth list of journals, along with their Impact Factor (IF), that cited publications from MIS. This not only underscores the prestigious academic standing of MIS in the realm of mini-invasive surgery but also highlights the broad applicability and influence of its research outputs. Additionally, Figure 7 visually represents the quartile distribution of these citing journals in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Significantly, 57% of these journals are positioned within the second quartile or higher in JCR, serving as a testament to the high quality and scholarly standard of articles published in MIS. This substantial proportion of citations from high-quartile JCR journals not only affirms the academic achievements of MIS but also signals its potential for ongoing development and future impact in the field of mini-invasive surgery.

Table 1. Citing Journals of MIS in 2023 (IF>5)

Figure 7. Quarterly  distribution of citing journals.

4. Databases

In June 2023, the journal submitted its application for indexing in ESCI, marking a significant milestone in expanding its influence and making dedicated contributions to the surgery community. MIS remains committed to the principle of maintaining rigorous standards for publishing high-quality papers. Looking ahead, MIS aims to submit an application for PubMed indexing this year, intending to enhance its academic impact within the community and gain recognition on the international stage.

5. Conclusion

As we conclude another fruitful year, we extend heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has steadfastly supported and contributed to our journal. To our dedicated authors, we express deep thanks for entrusting us with their valuable research and insights. Your groundbreaking work and commitment to academic excellence continue to be the lifeblood of our publication.

Sincere appreciation goes out to our meticulous reviewers, whose expertise and thoughtful critiques have been essential in maintaining the high quality and scholarly rigor of our journal. Your efforts in refining and strengthening the research we publish are immeasurable. Immense gratitude is also extended to our Editorial Board members, whose guidance, leadership, and vision have been instrumental in shaping the direction and impact of our journal. Your dedication and wisdom have been invaluable in navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities of the past year.

To our loyal readers and friends, your engagement and feedback have been invaluable. Your continued interest and active participation not only motivate us but also significantly contribute to the vibrant and collaborative spirit of our academic community.

Looking ahead, we remain steadfast in our foundational principles and mission to serve the academic community. Our office plans to enhance engagement with the global research community by organizing international conferences, symposiums, and collaborative projects, fostering a more inclusive and dynamic academic exchange. The editorial board will continue to improve the quality of publications through rigorous peer review processes, attracting high-quality submissions from renowned researchers worldwide.

Emphasis will be placed on promoting interdisciplinary research and innovation, as we believe this approach is key to addressing complex surgery challenges. Additionally, MIS is committed to increasing its accessibility and visibility. This involves expanding the digital presence, optimizing our website for enhanced user engagement, and leveraging social media platforms to reach a broader audience.

In the upcoming year, the editorial office of MIS aspires not only to continue the tradition of academic excellence but also to make significant strides in establishing MIS as a leading authority in the surgery community. With the unwavering support of all contributors, readers, and the editorial board, MIS is confident in achieving these goals and contributing meaningfully to the advancement of surgery research globally.

Editor: Irene Liu
Language Editor: Emma Chen
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of Mini-invasive Surgery (MIS)

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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