
Announcement of Mini-invasive Surgery 2023 Best Paper Awards

Published on: 29 Jan 2024 Viewed: 559

We are pleased to announce the "Mini-invasive Surgery 2023 Best Paper Award". The papers will be selected from the research and review articles published in Mini-invasive Surgery from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. The prestigious award aims to recognize and encourage high-quality contributions to academic research. Three articles will be carefully chosen for this award (one First Prize and two Second Prizes) after a thorough evaluation by the Scientific Committee of Mini-invasive Surgery, led by the Editor-in-Chief. The winners of this esteemed accolade will be officially announced in March 2024.

"The Best Paper" will be evaluated comprehensively from three aspects: the review report submitted by reviewers, the comprehensive evaluation by the Scientific Committee, and the number of citations (Data Source: Google Scholar).

Here are the three Best Papers:

Eligibility Requirements:
The paper must be published in Mini-invasive Surgery from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022;
Both regular and Special Issue submissions will be considered.

Selection Criteria:
The papers will be selected by the Mini-invasive Surgery Scientific Committee according to the following criteria:
-Overall value to scientific research;
-Originality in the research objectives;
-Novelty in the opinions or research approaches;
-Significance to the research field  and interest to readers;
-Scientific soundness and data quality;
-Number of citations in 2023.

-First Prize: $1000
-Second Prize: $500 for each winner
-Winners will receive an official award certificate signed by the Editor-in-Chief

In addition, winners will be invited to speak as Guest Speakers at our webinars or participate in special interviews, depending on their availability. The awarded papers will be broadly promoted through all platforms of Mini-invasive Surgery and OAE Publishing Inc.

Mini-invasive Surgery

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Editorial Office
Ms. Siqing Hu

Mini-invasive Surgery (MIS,, Online ISSN: 2574-1225) is an international peer-reviewed, gold open access, online academic journal founded by OAE Publishing Inc. in April 2017. The journal aims to document specific clinical findings that may indicate a new or alternative understanding of existing surgical techniques, providing a global platform that deals with all extensive works and research related to all areas of minimally invasive surgery, endoscopy, treatment, and diagnosis.

Journal Information:

Article Collection:



Editor: Irene Liu
Language Editor: Emma Chen
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of Mini-invasive Surgery

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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