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MEGAnnotator2: a pipeline for the assembly and annotation of microbial genomes

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Microbiome Res Rep 2023;2:15.
10.20517/mrr.2022.21 |  © The Author(s) 2023.
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The reconstruction of microbial genome sequences by bioinformatic pipelines and the consequent functional annotation of their genes’ repertoire are fundamental activities aiming at unveiling their biological mechanisms, such as metabolism, virulence factors, and antimicrobial resistances. Here, we describe the development of the MEGAnnotator2 pipeline able to manage all next-generation sequencing methodologies producing short- and long-read DNA sequences. Starting from raw sequencing data, the updated pipeline can manage multiple analyses leading to the assembly of high-quality genome sequences and the functional classification of their genetic repertoire, providing the user with a useful report constituting features and statistics related to the microbial genome. The updated pipeline is fully automated from the installation to the delivery of the output, thus requiring minimal bioinformatics knowledge to be executed.


Genomics, bioinformatics, next-generation sequencing


Since 1995, whole genome sequencing (WGS) has been the golden standard for the reconstruction of microbial genome sequences, with the publication of the first complete genome sequence of Haemophilus influenza[1]. WGS was an efficient strategy that allowed gathering random DNA sequences of a microbial genome used to reconstruct the entire chromosome sequence using mathematical algorithms[2]. Nowadays, the most common DNA sequencing technologies used for the reconstruction of genomes are represented by Illumina, followed by Pacific Bioscience and Oxford Nanopore[3,4]. While the first one is largely used for the ability to produce a massive amount of high-quality data, it relies on the production of short DNA sequences ranging from 150 to 250 bp[5]. Instead, PacBio and Nanopore sequencing systems are technologies chosen for the genome reconstruction of microorganisms thanks to their ability to produce long DNA sequences up to 40,000 bp[6]. However, the latter technologies, also known as third-generation sequencers, display some limitations in accuracy and throughput with respect to short-read sequencing. Nonetheless, the advent of long-read DNA sequencers allowed to improve draft assembly of microbial genomes, producing complete genome sequences[7], and, recently, the implementation of PacBio HiFi reads drastically improved the long-read DNA final quality.

Accordingly, sequenced genomic data needs to be processed by bioinformatic tools to reconstruct the chromosomal sequences and unveil their genomic repertoire[8,9]. Thus, software for assembling and annotating microbial genomes has been implemented to process and manage such DNA data[10-13]. In 2016, the MEGAnnotator pipeline was implemented to provide the researcher with automated in silico tools for analyzing prokaryotic genomes[14]. Nowadays, many pipelines have been implemented to ease genomes assembly and annotation process[15,16]. Nevertheless, selecting free software that manages all types of sequenced DNA to be used in a local environment is still highly challenging.

Here, we describe the improved bioinformatic pipeline MEGAnnotator2 that allows the assembly of prokaryotic genomes and chromosomes from unicellular eukaryotes, followed by gene prediction, functional annotation, and DNA quality evaluation of the reconstructed genome sequences. The pipeline can manage data from every NGS platform and modern third-generation sequencers such as PacBio and Nanopore long reads. Furthermore, each analysis step is automated and managed by a bash script, which coordinates freely online available software and custom databases that are continuously kept updated to overcome issues related to taxonomy re-classification.


MEGAnnotator2 workflow

MEGAnnotator2 is a bash script that runs on Linux under GNU General Public License (GPL). The complete workflow reported in Figure 1 shows the different steps managed by the pipeline by relying on the coordination of freely available software programs. Complete execution of the pipeline starts from the filtering of the raw sequencing data, providing statistics on the quality of the sequenced DNA as well as the filtered DNA that will be used for the assembly of the microbial genome. Based on the sequencing technology (short reads, long reads, or both), a specific assembly strategy is employed, resulting in one or more consensus sequences of the microbial chromosomes. Then, a quality assessment of the assembled data is performed to highlight the genome quality and the species relatedness. The latter information will be used to reorder contigs based on the reference strain of the identified species. Later, the pipeline proceeds with the prediction of the coding genes (as well as non-coding genes) to predict their function using similarity searches in the custom NCBI RefSeq database and a domain search in the InterProScan database. Gathered data will be used to generate a GenBank file that stores all biological information while all main statistics are reported in an available text file. Finally, the pipeline performs a metabolic screening to retrieve each attributable enzymatic reaction to predicted genes.

MEGAnnotator2: a pipeline for the assembly and annotation of microbial genomes

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the workflow. Starting from raw reads obtained from NGS platforms, MEGAnnotator2 will perform read filtering, assembly, quality control of genome sequences, genome alignments, genome comparisons, gene prediction, gene annotation, and metabolic profiling. Red arrows highlight the mandatory steps of the pipeline.

As the previous version of the pipeline, MEGAnnotator2 aims to improve every step described above to enhance the quality of genome sequences and gene annotation by reducing the time and effort required, thanks to its automated execution. In fact, the user needs only to provide the individual NGS data, and the MEGAnnotator2 pipeline will manage all steps, ultimately leading to the generation of a GenBank file, thus leaving the user free to carry out other activities. To enhance the performance of each software package, MEGAnnotator2 handles the execution of multiple threads as set up in the MEGAnnotator2 parameters. Accordingly, software parameters can be personalized in the parameter file of MEGAnnotator2 to guide the execution of each software package by the pipeline without the need to set up the individual programs. The modular implementation of the pipeline grants flexible execution of the analyses, allowing the user to select which step to perform and allowing modifying parameters based on the user’s need. For a detailed overview of the pipeline’s editable parameters, refer to the manual.

The previous version of the software was distributed with distinct virtual machines containing different databases for gene annotation since many dependencies needed to be installed in the user environment. Instead, MEGAnnotator2 is provided by an auto installer able to automatically manage the installation of dependencies, the set-up of the software, and the download of pre-processed databases whose size has been significantly reduced. The installer file of MEGAnnotator2 can be downloaded at the link As reported in the manual, a single Unix command line is needed to have the full pipeline installed in the system. One of the advantages of using MEGAnnotator2 is that it can be used without internet access since all the programs and databases will be accessible locally after the pipeline installation.

Another main novelty in pipeline execution is the possibility of processing multiple genomes in series without wasting time between analysis execution. Specifically, the script can recognize multiple FASTQ files retrieved from NGS base-calling and organize the execution in tandem with the analysis based on the parameters arranged by the user. Furthermore, the results of multiple analyses can be put together to provide an overall view of the assembled data. In MEGAnnotator2, the implementation of the automated script is easy to achieve, as reported in the manual. Thus, additional extensions will be implemented in future updates of the software and it can also be programmed and introduced by the user base on the need.

MEGAnnotator2 databases

Alongside the software, MEGAnnotator2 is provided with multiple databases to avoid restricted online computing during the execution of the pipeline. Specifically, alongside the installation and software update, the pipeline can be run on a local machine without constant network access. Notably, four ad-hoc pre-compilated databases are downloaded together with all the scripts to use the pipeline at its full potential.

The first database is dedicated to the functional annotation of genes, aiming at providing reliable outputs with the most up-to-date data for gene classification. To do so, the RefSeq database of NBCI (amino acid sequences) is processed by removing non-informative genes, such as hypothetical proteins, and a collection of inappropriate gene names that may compromise the feasibility of the resulting functional classification. Then, selected genes are clustered with CD-HIT using a sequence identity threshold of 70%[17]. This process reduces the overall size of the database without removing any sequence information, resulting in a decreased computational cost for the system of the final user. Using this strategy, we reduced the previous database of MEGAnnotator from hundreds of gigabytes to 35 gigabytes. However, as well as for the other databases provided by MEGAnnotator2, the installation of the software will download the pre-processed database. Thus, the user does not need to process or compile individual databases.

A second database is represented by a single reference genome for each species of microorganism, covering all known genome variability but avoiding redundancy within the same species. All bacterial genomes available in the NCBI RefSeq database were retrieved and filtered based on the most up-to-date reference ANI table made available from the repository. Finally, for each bacterial species, each genome was processed using the sourmash software[18] and compared in a pair-wise approach to obtain a series of Jaccard similarity matrices. Then, the optimal reference genome was extracted from each Jaccard similarity matrix, given by the highest average Jaccard similarity score. Genome sequences of representative genomes are used to provide average nucleotide identity (ANI) values with respect to the assembled genome sequence. Furthermore, a subset of the database, represented by complete reference genome only, is used to perform sequence alignment, allowing contig reordering of partially reconstructed chromosomal sequences.

The third database represents a collection of validated 16S and 18S rRNA gene sequences of all classified microorganisms based on the SILVA repository[19]. Specifically, the database is generated by processing the latest release of the complete SILVA repository removing sequences with non-informative microbial taxonomy, such as unknown species. Then, selected ribosomal genes are clustered with CD-HIT using a sequence identity threshold of 99.9%[17]. At first glance, results based on this database might appear redundant since, through the MEGAnnotator2 pipeline, the species is attributed through ANI values comparison. The issue is that, to date, we do not possess the genome sequence of all known microorganisms. Thus, additional information, such as sequence similarity of the 16S/18S rRNA gene, can be helpful in studying uncommon microorganisms.

Finally, MEGAnnotator2 is provided with a database comprising information regarding metabolic reactions collected from the MetaCyc[20]. By using the latter database, it is possible to have a profile constituting each attributable enzymatic reaction of the predicted microorganism genes in analysis.

All databases will be updated every six months to overcome taxonomy re-classification issues and provide reliable output profiles. The support will end when updated methodologies overcome the current classification strategies, resulting in a reshaping of the pipeline and databases. The user can also provide custom databases to perform custom DNA filtering steps before assembly. These additional databases need to be compiled using the BWA aligner[21] as reported in the manual, starting from DNA sequences in fasta format.

MEGAnnotator2 input files

To run MEGAnnotator2, the user needs to provide DNA sequencing data in fastq format. Short reads in single- or paired-end can be used (Illumina or Ion Torrent data) as well as long reads (PacBio or Nanopore data). In this context, PacBio HiFi reads can only be used prior to conversion from BAM to fastq format. The pipeline can be executed in a Unix terminal with a single command, specifying the name of the project and the input data path. For example, it follows three commands based on paired-end, long reads, and mixed reads input:

MEGAnnotator2 -t 60 -n project_name -p -f forward_input.fastq -r reverse_input.fastq

MEGAnnotator2 -t 60 -n project_name -l -i input.fastq

MEGAnnotator2 -t 60 -n project_name -o -i long_input.fastq -f forward_input.fastq -r reverse_input.fastq

Otherwise, dedicated scripts are implemented in MEGAnnotator2 to automatize the processing of the input data generating a bash script that will run samples in series without the need to execute specific commands. For additional information on the execution of the program, see the manual.

Step 1: quality filtering of the data

To provide more reliable results, we implemented a DNA filtering step, a feature absent in the previous version of MEGAnnotator[14]. As default, MEGAnnotator2 performs a quality filtering step aiming at removing DNA sequences that are too short or that display low quality. Based on the input file typology, the pipeline will perform a short read filtering (single or paired-end based on the technology) or a long read filtering of the data. To do so, the fastq-mcf utility ( is employed to perform filtering of short reads, removing as default reads shorter than 100 nucleotides and those with a quality < 20. Otherwise, long reads were managed by Fitlong (, removing as default reads shorter than 1,000 nucleotides and keeping 90% of reads with superior quality not exceeding 500 Gb of data. Whenever both short and long reads data are used as input, Fitlong will better evaluate the long read quality using k-mer matches to the short read to improve the final genome quality. The user can manually edit all parameters to achieve a more suitable filtering step based on the user’s needs.

Furthermore, the pipeline allows a custom filtering step before assembly to remove putative contamination that may occur in strain isolation or sequencing procedure. For example, the user may choose to remove the DNA of a specific bacterial species or DNA vector sequences used in certain experimental procedures.

Moreover, as a new feature, the pipeline generates statistics for each fastq input file to certify its quality. More in specific, a pre-filtering and post-filtering analysis is managed by the FastQC quality control tool to spot potential problems in the sequencing dataset used. Data regarding base quality scores, read quality scores, sequence length distribution, sequence duplication levels, and overrepresented sequences are displayed before and after read filtering.

Step 2: assembly of the filtered reads

After a first quality filtering of the input data, assemblies of DNA sequences can be performed using a combination of short and long sequences obtained by any NGS platform as well as modern third-generation sequencers such as PacBio and Nanopore. Filtered short reads are managed by SPAdes[22], which evaluates the average length of the DNA sequences to generate an optimum list of k-mer sizes to be used as a parameter in the assembly phase. For example, an Illumina 250bp paired-end output will result in a list of “21,33,55,77,99,127” k-mer sizes. Besides, the assembler CANU manages long-read sequences[23]. To obtain more reliable data, which usually consists of a complete reconstruction of the chromosomal sequence, the user can input the putative length of the genome sequence to the pipeline, which will be used as a variable in the assembly step.

Furthermore, the pipeline can also manage assemblies using short and long-read sequences as input. MEGAnnotator2 gives the user the possibility to choose between two strategies. The first approach takes advantage of the capability of SPAdes to manage hybrid assemblies. Thus, the assembled chromosomal sequence obtained from a long-read assembly managed by CANU is then used as input by SPAdes as a reference to perform the hybrid assembly together with long and short-read sequences. Otherwise, the second approach uses once again the assembled chromosomal sequence obtained from the long read assembly, followed by DNA sequence polishing using the Polypolish tool[24]. The resulting high-quality genome is obtained by aligning each short read to all possible locations of the assembled genome by making use of the SAM file generated by the BWA aligner[21]. Both methodologies can be used to generate a high-quality complete genome sequence of the assembled genomes. Nonetheless, based on our validation test, the polishing approach can minimize INDELs’ occurrence in the genome sequence.

Step 3: genome quality check (optional)

As a new feature of MEGAnnotator2, assembled data is assessed with multiple validation methods. A first screening is represented by the identification of the assembled genomes of the microbial species. The 16S/18S rRNA gene sequences are compared to the non-redundant SILVA database above described through BLASTn[25]. At the same time, the fastANI tool is used to identify the microorganism with the highest whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) values[26]. Together, those microorganisms with the highest 16S/18S rRNA gene sequence identity and highest ANI values, composed with the respective values, are reported as genome information in the output.

The average genome coverage is calculated using the BBmap aligner ( by mapping the short reads on the assembled contig sequences. Instead, the coverage of long-read assemblies is retrieved directly from the CANU report. Additionally, the quality of the assembled genome is evaluated using the checkM tool[27]. Data regarding the completeness and contamination of the reconstructed genome are reported as values in the output information.

As in the first MEGAnnotator version, resulting contig sequences retrieved from the assemblies can be reordered based on a reference genome sequence of the same species. The difference in this software version is that the user does not need to provide the genome sequence of the reference strain, but only the species name in the parameters file. Doing that, the pipeline will retrieve the genome sequence of the reference strain from the RefSeq genomes of NCBI and provide to perform a genome alignment using MAUVE[28]. If the ANI analysis results are discordant with the given species name, MEGAnnotator2 will choose the appropriate genome for the reordering.

Finally, assembled contigs are filtered based on length before gene prediction and functional annotation. The user can provide two different length cut-offs to remove contigs with an inferior length obtained through the short read assembly (using SPAdes) or long read assembly (using CANU).

Step 4: gene prediction and functional annotation

Gene prediction is performed by prodigal[29], whose high efficiency in predicting the start of genes has been documented[30]. Collected amino acid gene sequences are then used to perform their functional prediction. Notably, partial sequences predicted at the edge of contigs (genes without the start and/or the stop codon) may be removed based on their length by the user. The functional annotation of each gene sequence is managed by DIAMOND, due to its reduced computational run time with respect to other similar tools[31]. By default, DIAMOND performs alignment using the --sensitive option in search of query coverage > 50 and e-value < 1·10-8. However, like the other parameters described above, they can be easily customized by modifying their values in the parameters file. Thus, the putative function of the subject sequence with the highest score is attributed to each query sequence.

Unclassified genes from the DIAMOND search are further investigated by InterProScan among an HMM-based database[32], aiming at classifying them into family proteins and predicting domains that may suggest their biological role. If a gene is unclassified even in the InterProScan profiling, the resulting functional annotation is set as a “hypothetical protein”.

Additionally, non-coding genes are predicted using barrnap ( and tRNAscan-SE 2.0[33], allowing for detecting rRNA and tRNA genes across the assembled genome sequence. In this regard, the pipeline can be programmed to process prokaryotes or eukaryotes genomes to predict the appropriate ribosomal genes using the -k (kingdom) option or setting the parameter file. By default, MEGAnnotator2 will predict ribosomal genes associated with prokaryotes.

Step 5: metabolic profiling (optional)

As a new feature of MEGAnnotator2, predicted gene sequences are screened against the MetaCyc metabolic database to retrieve each attributable enzymatic reaction[20]. The Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers are conferred to each amino acid sequence using DIAMOND[31]. By default, DIAMOND performs alignment using the --sensitive option in search of query coverage > 50 and e-value < 1·10-8. Results of the analysis are reported as raw counts for each EC number as well as a percentage based on the total number of genes.

MEGAnnotator2 output files

The amount of output files provided by MEGAnnotator2 is proportional to the number of analyses defined in the parameters file. By default, the process of assembly and annotation of the microbial genomes ends with the generation of a GenBank file compatible with the Artemis genome browser[34]. Within the GenBank file is reported information about the genome sequence, gene positions, and gene annotation. Furthermore, a comprehensive file (genome_info.txt) reports the main characteristics of the assembled microbial genomes, including the amount of the DNA sequencing output, number of filtered reads, number of assembled contigs, genome length, average coverage, completeness of the genome and its contamination level, number of genes, rRNA genes, and tRNA genes, and species prediction based on the 16S/18S rRNA gene sequence and ANI values of the chromosomal sequence.

Additional files are produced to allow the user to evaluate the results of each step of the pipeline. Among these files is reported the quality of the genome sequence (checkM_report), the results of the 16S/18S rRNA gene alignment (16S.blastn or 18S.blastn), the collection of gene protein sequences (aaORFs.fasta), the sequence of the assembled contigs (contigs.fasta) and a report of long read sequence polishing if requested (polishing_report.txt).

In addition, multiple folders are provided, containing data regarding the main steps of genome processing. Filtered reads are stored as FASTQ files in the folder “filtered_reads” together with html files reporting the quality of raw reads and filtered reads if requested. Genome alignment of the assembled data with respect to the reference genome retrieved from the ANI database is located in the folder “mauve_alignment” and can be visualized by using MAUVE. Furthermore, the assembly documentation produced by SPAdes or CANU is located in the “assembly” folder, including statistics, assembly steps, and logs. Finally, the folder named “metabolic_reactions” contains the results achieved from the metabolic profiling if requested by the user.

In case multiple microbial strains have been analyzed in tandem with MEGAnnotator2, multiple folders will be generated for each analyzed genome named with the microorganism code (project_name).


MEGAnnotator2 performance and statistics using short reads

This work aims to deliver a complete pipeline to manage any sequencing output and provide the user with statistics and biological information about the assembled microorganism. Thus, each available online software included in the pipeline has been chosen based on recent scientific literature highlighting its performance with respect to other tools[30,31,35].

To test the whole pipeline, we used one million short reads belonging to 10 microbial species characterized by different genome sizes, ranging from two Mb to five Mb [Table 1]. The machine used to benchmark the pipeline was equipped with an AMD Threadripper with 32 cores and 256 GB of RAM. Memory read and write operations were managed by an NVME m.2 2tb SSD. The average execution time of the complete pipeline was 14.2 min, while mandatory steps (assembly and annotation) took an average of 5.6 min to be executed. Figure 2 reported the individual timing of each step, with the genome quality step representing the most time-consuming (median of 269 sec), followed by the gene prediction and annotation (median of 175 sec) and the genome assembly (median of 163 sec) [Figure 2A and Supplementary Table 1]. An example of relevant statistics provided by MEGAnnotator2 to the user is reported in Table 1 and can be found as results once the pipeline has ended its job as a text document.

MEGAnnotator2: a pipeline for the assembly and annotation of microbial genomes

Figure 2. MEGAnnotator2 execution time of each task and comparison with the old pipeline. Panel (A) shows the computational time of each step of the pipeline based on the performance observed through processing ten microbial genomes sequenced with short-read technologies (1,000,000 reads). Panel (B) exhibits the same data based on long reads input (500,000 reads), while panel (C) displays the computational time using a hybrid approach involving both short- and long-reads data. Panels (D) and (E) denote the computational time of annotation and assembly software, respectively. Panels (F) and (G) show the N50 and L50 of each assembly, respectively. Finally, panels (H) and (I) display the difference in time and space of different clustering of the RefSeq databases with CD-HIT.

Table 1

MEGAnnotator2 report of 10 sequentially processed microbial genomes using short-read technology

SRASequencing outputHigh quality readsFiltered reads16S rRNA gene identityANI screeningGenome completenessGenome contaminationAverage coverageNumber of contigsGenome lengthNumber of genesNumber of rRNA genesNumber of tRNA genes
SRR119102081000000630615630615Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus 100%Streptococcus thermophilus 99.2%99.89%11.19%519132,904,8342,934750
SRR144155321000000998717998716Leuconostoc mesenteroides 100%Leuconostoc suionicum 93.9%100%0.18%154132,110,8502,089555
SRR153118661000000999947999947Bifidobacterium breve JCM 7019 99.7%Bifidobacterium breve 98.3%100%0.12%126352,374,8422,011355
SRR163520101000000997594996662Bifidobacterium longum 100%Bifidobacterium longum 98.7%100%0%254172,365,4051,959357
SRR182142681000000726379726379Lactobacillus paracasei 100%Lacticaseibacillus paracasei 99.0%99.46%0%67903,055,1442,903554
SRR223780371000000892220892220Lactococcus lactis 99.9%Lactococcus cremoris 88.0%100%0%72632,460,5452,462458
SRR225432471000000998973998973Enterococcus faecium 100%Enterococcus faecium 94.6%99.63%0.50%1041473,1005,073,022859
SRR226664771000000986064986062Shigella sonnei 99.9%Shigella boydii 98.7%99.93%0.33%58765,089,1274,834986
SRR89816431000000997089997089Clostridium botulinum 100%Clostridium cagae 97.6%100%0%140473,825,0303,5291477
SRR92224591000000841930841930Faecalibacterium prausnitzii 99.9%Faecalibacterium duncaniae 85.8%100%0.14%72873,356,5383,213963

Performance and statistics of the pipeline using long reads

Unlike short read analyses, the usage of long read sequences resulted in a more time-consuming procedure due to the implementation of dedicated filtering and assembly algorithms. To benchmark the efficiency of MEGAnnotator2 using long reads, additional 10 microbial strains were subjected to genome assembly and annotation using long reads, and additional 10 microbial strains with a combination of long and short reads [Tables 2 and 3]. Notably, aiming at simulating a real-world scenario, the microorganisms’ genome length used in the hybrid approach was larger than five Mb except for one [Table 3]. Testing has been performed using 500,000 long reads coupled with one million short reads for the hybrid approach. The average execution of the complete pipeline using long reads was 56.5 min, with the assembly step managed by CANU representing the most time-consuming (median of 2,761 sec) [Figure 2B]. Instead, by using a combination of different sequences, MEGAnnotator2 takes an average of 53.5 min, validating the assembly step of long reads to be the most complex procedure to date [Figure 2C]. Furthermore, using a hybrid approach, we highlighted the impact of long read filtering using the information of short reads that takes approximately five times more than the long read filtering alone, while the polishing of the assembled data takes additional 3.4 min [Supplementary Tables 2 and 3].

Table 2

MEGAnnotator2 report of 10 sequentially processed microbial genomes using long-read technology

SRASequencing output:High quality reads:16S rRNA gene identity:ANI screening:Genome completeness:Genome contamination:Average coverage:Number of contigs:Genome length:Number of genes:Number of rRNA genes:Number of tRNA genes:
SRR1220191150000059283Leuconostoc suionicum 99.4%Leuconostoc mesenteroides 96.7%98.41%3.45%148712,724,7792,9952186
SRR1364875050000047731Lactococcus lactis 99.9%Lactococcus lactis 88.1%100%3.83%15492,581,9702,5471965
SRR15521836500000127174Bacteroides salyersiae 99.9%Bacteroides salyersiae 99.0%97.63%1.49%78185,430,4814,6551577
SRR1712634150000048110Eubacterium eligens 100%Eubacterium eligens 100%98.25%8.13%15352,963,5782,6111547
SRR1712694950000049224Prevotella copri 99.8%Prevotella copri 100%97.97%2.36%114113,688,1023,1332063
SRR1787354450000086673Clostridium innocuum 99.9%Clostridium innocuum 97.1%100%1.42%53145,032,6384,9371248
SRR17873548500000119899Enterococcus hirae 99.9%Enterococcus hirae 98.9%96.16%2.90%76893,181,1473,0532384
SRR2107586250000045558Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus 99.9%Streptococcus thermophilus 99.2%99.89%4.44%17641,910,8562,0161867
SRR2127682350000049609Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis 100%Bifidobacterium animalis 95.7%100%7.33%18062,041,3331,653958
SRR2215980850000049946Klebsiella pneumoniae 100%Klebsiella pneumoniae 99.0%99.40%0.13%83105,635,0755,2952591
Table 3

MEGAnnotator2 report of 10 sequentially processed microbial genomes using short- and long-read technologies

SRASequencing output:High quality reads:Sequencing output (long reads):High quality reads (long reads):16S rRNA gene identity:ANI screening:Genome completeness:Genome contamination:Average coverage:Average coverage (long reads):Number of contigs:Genome length:Number of genes:Number of rRNA genes:Number of tRNA genes:
ERR59509401000000973651 73857 42648Shigella boydii 99.9%Shigella boydii 98.2%99.97%0.75%7539556,606,9126,8602297
ERR595143355906051402919862960015Klebsiella pneumoniae 99.9%Klebsiella pneumoniae 99.0%100%1.04%458645,595,8505,2172588
SRR123269623693463578199266662330Salmonella enterica 100%Salmonella enterica 98.8%100%0.78%329755,310,7475,1342292
SRR128115231000000991228196879106628Enterobacter aerogenes 99.9%Klebsiella aerogenes 95.8%100%1.11%499985,567,8075,2812590
SRR12811532100000099595310285177655Citrobacter freundii 100%Citrobacter portucalensis 94.7%99.94%1.86%4899165,693,2815,5982586
SRR12811547100000099625022221979032Enterobacter cloacae 100%Enterobacter cloacae 99.7%98.92%1.06%5098195,496,6215,2482587
SRR13177364100000096215830415830461251Kocuria varians 100%n.d.98.68%0%16312022,848,1422,432948
SRR1324953385044984543610940943592Bacillus oleronius 99.8%Heyndrickxia oleronia 100%98.30%6.27%766825,364,0165,37836145
SRR1408746310000009915299033762461Pseudomonas aeruginosa 100%Pseudomonas aeruginosa 94.1%99.60%0.17%4166146,729,1076,2131268
SRR21755520100000094475313707825119Agrobacterium arsenijevicii 98.9%n.d.97.26%3.31%465245,773,2795,4011560

Thus, based on the achieved results, MEGAnnotator2 can manage all its functions in approximately 14.5 min for short reads, 56.5 min for long reads, and 53.5 min using hybrid reads. Even if the hybrid pipeline introduces two additional analyses represented by long-read filtering by short-read data and genome sequence polishing, the average computing time of the pipeline is the same, highlighting high variability in the capability of the assembler to manage long reads data. If the user is not interested in statistics, essential functions will take approximately 5.6 min for short reads, 49.2 min for long reads, and 40 min for the usage of hybrid reads. Furthermore, no additional time is spent between analyses using the additional function of MEGAnnotator2 to manage multiple samples.

MEGAnnotator2 improvement with respect to the old version

To highlight the enhancement made in MEGAnnotator2, a comparison against the first version (MEGAnnotator) was performed. Several features of the updated pipeline were not compared due to their absence in MEGAnnotator, e.g., quality reports of sequenced reads, genome quality assessments, and metabolic profiling. Furthermore, since the older pipeline version cannot manage long reads data, we only employed the short reads belonging to the 10 microbial species above used to validate the new pipeline version [Table 1]. An updated RefSeq database was downloaded from NCBI and formatted using Rapsearch2 as reported in the MEGAnnotator manual to compare the pipeline efficiency. Furthermore, the last version of the MIRA assembler has been installed on the same machine used for MEGAnnotator2 benchmarking.

Focusing on the assembled genomes, we observed that MEGAnnotator generates a higher number of contigs with respect to the oldest version [Figure 2]. Moreover, the assembled genomes of the oldest version of the pipeline were characterized by a lower number of N50 and higher number of L50, i.e., 74,157 and 18, in respect to the updated pipeline, i.e., 137,143 and 10 [Figure 2F]. Furthermore, in the previous software version, the user was forced to provide the reference genome sequence in the same analysis folder. Thus, MEGAnnotator2 can assemble microbial genomes more efficiently, and the selection of a reference strain for the reordering of contigs is now automated based on the knowledge acquired in the species identification step. Thus, the new pipeline version is 63 times faster than its predecessor in assembling genomes [Figure 2].

For the functional classification of genes, the previous version of the pipeline chooses the first hit between the 10 hits that possess an appropriate protein name. Due to the gradually expanding of the reference database, this strategy is not optimal. Thus, MEGAnnotator2 is provided with pre-processed databases where non-appropriate protein names were previously removed. So, the best hit will automatically represent an orthologous gene with an appropriate protein name. In addition, the novel database is more manageable, and the computing time has been decreased from 60.3 min using MEGAnnotator to 2.9 min in MEGAnnotator2.

Accordingly, the past version of the pipeline was 43 times slower than MEGAnnotator2 in providing the assembled genomes and the annotation of genes, showing an improvement of 20x in the annotation of genes and 63x in the assembly of genomes [Figure 2].

Performance of the pre-processed RefSeq database of NCBI

In addition to the selection of more efficient software for the execution of each task, one of the major improvements to the pipeline is represented by the pre-processed RefSeq database of NCBI. To select the optimal strategy to assign functional annotation to gene sequences, we employed the genomic repertoire of Geobacter lovleyi SZ (CP001089), constituting 3,623 genes, and subsets of the RefSeq database of NCBI. First, RefSeq genes were processed by removing non-informative genes, such as hypothetical proteins, and a collection of unsuitable gene names that may compromise the goodness of the resulting functional classification. Then, RefSeq genes were clustered with CD-HIT using a sequence identity threshold of 90%, 80%, and 70%. Finally, RAPSearch2 and DIAMOND generated databases for taxonomy annotation tests.

The reduction in the size of the database was heavily dependent on the software used and the level of clustering among genes, i.e., from 492.9 to 35.1 GB using RAPSearch2 and from 96.8 to 6.2 GB using DIAMOND [Figure 2I]. Similarly, the speed performance between the two software and the clustered database was significantly lower using DIAMOND (on average twice faster than RAPSearch2), and the RefSeq database builds with a 70% clustering (33 times faster than the RefSeq and 2.8 times faster than clustering at 80%) [Figure 2D].

The resulting functional annotation from both strategies and clustered RefSeq databases does not highlight significant differences [Supplementary Table 4], while classification from the unfiltered RefSeq was superficial due to the imprecise gene classification of the un-processed database. Thus, the software DIAMOND and clustering at 70% by CD-HIT has been selected for their speed advantages and reduced memory usage. This strategy allowed us to build a consistent database for the functional classification of genes constituting a fraction of the RefSeq database (1/80) and achieving the classification of genes 33 times faster. Pre-processed databases will be updated twice a year to guarantee the inclusion of novel genes.

Benchmark of synthetic datasets

Short- and long-read synthetic datasets were produced from complete genome sequences downloaded from the NCBI repository. In this context, the genome sequence of Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 29521, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Escherichia coli K-12, Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4, Clostridium perfringens JXJA17, and Salmonella enterica MAC15 were chosen, to cover genomes ranging from two to seven Mb [Supplementary Table 5]. The tool wgsim ( was used to generate one million synthetic short-read sequences and 150,000 synthetic long-read sequences per genome. Then, the MEGAnnotator2 pipeline was employed to simulate the genome assemblies of each microorganism using a combination of synthetic short- and long-reads. Results highlighted that using long-reads, the integrity of the genomes was higher, allowing the reconstruction of repetitive genome portions that were lost using short-read only, i.e., larger genome sizes and numbers of identified rRNA genes [Supplementary Table 5]. Looking at the execution time of each step of the pipeline, we validate the data previously observed with real samples [Supplementary Table 6]. Hybrid and long-read strategies were more time-consuming, taking double the assembly time with respect to short-read assemblies, as well as the filtering step of long-read sequences [Supplementary Table 6].

Furthermore, the assembly of complex samples was simulated using a limited number of short-read sequences, i.e., 100,000 reads per genome. This synthetic benchmark aimed to test the pipeline if the quality of the sequencing reads were not as good as expected, thus resulting in a few amount of DNA sequences to assembly. In this scenario, the reconstruction of genomes ended whit low average coverage, ranging from 8 to 25, but the integrity of the genomes was maintained, resulting in genome completeness ranging from 96.43% to 99.2% [Supplementary Table 5]. Altogether, the MEGAnnotator2 report showed that the complex genome structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 was difficult to assemble, resulting in 663 contigs [Supplementary Table 5].


MEGAnnotator2 is a pipeline that manages all the currently existing sequencing formats of modern DNA sequencing systems, including short and long reads. Most of the software associated has been changed to improve the quality of the results and the execution time of the pipeline [Table 1 and Figure 2]. Furthermore, additional features such as read quality filtering, a quality check of DNA and assembled genomes, and metabolic profiling have been added to provide the user with more information and flexibility in the execution of programs. Notably, the execution time from the previous pipeline version has decreased by 43 times, and multiple genomes can be processed in series to avoid wasting time between genome analyses. Furthermore, the pipeline installation does not require additional actions from the user, and the space on the disk of the functional annotation database has been reduced by 80 times. Altogether, MEGAnnotator2 displays all the features needed for the reconstruction of procaryotic and unicellular eukaryotes and can be easily implemented by the user with additional features due to the modulatory architecture of the pipeline.



We thank GenProbio Srl for the financial support of the Laboratory of Probiogenomics. Part of this research is conducted using the High Performance Computing (HPC) facility of the University of Parma.

Authors’ contributions

Manuscript writing and pipeline implementation: Lugli GA

Data curation and data analysis: Fontana F, Tarracchini C, Milani C, Mancabelli L

Supervision and manuscript editing: Turroni F, Ventura M

Availability of data and materials

The MEGAnnotator2 pipeline is downloadable at The installer file can be retrieved under the “Software & Tools” drop-down menu, section “MEGAnnotator2”, button “Download MEGAnnotator2”. In the same section, the manual can be downloaded using the button “Download Manual”.

Financial support and sponsorship

Not applicable.

Conflicts of interest

All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.


© The Author(s) 2023.

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MEGAnnotator2: a pipeline for the assembly and annotation of microbial genomes
Gabriele Andrea LugliGabriele Andrea  Lugli, ... Marco Ventura

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Lugli, G. A.; Fontana F.; Tarracchini C.; Milani C.; Mancabelli L.; Turroni F.; Ventura M. MEGAnnotator2: a pipeline for the assembly and annotation of microbial genomes. Microbiome. Res. Rep. 2023, 2, 15.

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