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Research Article  |  Open Access  |  8 Jan 2024

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO3 films: a phase-field study

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Microstructures 2024;4:2024004.
10.20517/microstructures.2023.53 |  © The Author(s) 2024.
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Ferroelectric thin films with high index orientations are found to possess unique structures and properties. In this work, we constructed the misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented PbTiO3 (PTO) thin films by phase-field simulations. The evolutions of ferroelectric phase structures, domain morphologies, volume fractions, and polarization components with the anisotropic strains were analyzed in detail. Large anisotropic strains exist between the orthorhombic scandate substrates and (110)-oriented PTO films, which makes it possible to engineer the structures and properties by anisotropic strain. These results deepen the understanding of ferroelectric domain structures of (110)-oriented PTO films under the anisotropic strain and provide theoretical support for the anisotropic strain engineering of high-index thin films experimentally.


(110)-oriented PbTiO3 film, phase-field simulation, anisotropic misfit strains, phase diagram, domain structures


Ferroelectric materials have broad applications in the fields of sensors, actuators, and non-volatile memories[1-5] and have attracted abundant attention in recent years. How to regulate the excellent properties of ferroelectric materials is the focus of attention. In this process, researchers have tried many methods, such as strain[6-10], film thickness[11-13], electrical boundary condition[14,15], growth orientation[16-20], etc. Both experiments and theoretical simulations have proved that the ferroelectric thin films with high index orientations, such as (110)- and (111)-orientations, have unique structures and properties different from those with low index orientation, such as the (001)-orientation[21-26]. PbTiO3 (PTO) is a prototypical ferroelectric material, which undergoes a cubic-to-tetragonal ferroelectric transition at about 765 K[27,28]. For (110)-oriented PTO films, the temperature-misfit strain phase diagrams[29] were constructed by the phenomenological theory, which indicates that various low-symmetry phases could emerge at different strain states. However, the phenomenological theory only considers single-domain states and prescribed multi-domain states. In contrast, the phase-field simulations could predict the optimal multi-domain structures under certain external conditions and their evolutions with the external field. In our previous work, the temperature-misfit strain phase diagram of the (110)-oriented PTO film was constructed by phase-field simulations, and the effects of epitaxial strain on the structures and properties were systematically investigated[30].

Due to the anisotropy of the crystal, the (110)-oriented ferroelectric films can exhibit unique properties. Experimentally, there are many orthogonal substrates that exert asymmetric in-plane strain. For example, the orthogonal NdGaO3 substrate applies the asymmetric strain to the (110)-oriented Ba1-xSrxTiO3 film, resulting in strong in-plane dielectric anisotropy[17,31]. For ferroelectric PTO, the anisotropic misfit strain phase diagrams[32] were constructed by the phenomenological theory. However, there are no phase-field studies that could provide predictive anisotropic misfit strain multi-domain phase diagrams for experimentalists.

In this paper, the effect of asymmetric misfit strain on ferroelectric phase (domain) structures of (110)-orientated PTO films is constructed by analyzing the phase-field data via the stereographic projection (SP) method[30,33,34]. Then, the typical phase (domain) structures under asymmetric misfit strain states and their evolution with strain are analyzed in detail. Finally, it is pointed out that a series of orthogonal substrates can apply large asymmetric misfit strains to achieve the regulation of (110)-oriented PTO films. These results help to deepen the understanding of ferroelectric domain structures under high index asymmetric misfit strain and provide theoretical guidance for the design of ferroelectric devices based on asymmetric misfit strain regulation.


Phase field model

The phase-field model suitable for the (110)-oriented ferroelectric films was constructed in our previous work[30]. Here, the main formulae were briefly outlined. A new coordinate system (x1, x2, x3) with axes along the [100], [0$$\overline{1}$$1], and [011] directions is introduced along with the common one $$(\tilde{x}_{1}, \tilde{x}_{2}, \tilde{x}_{3})$$ with axes along the [100], [010], and [001] directions of a perovskite unit cell. The polarization components Pi in the coordinate system (x1, x2, x3) are related to that in the coordinate system $$(\tilde{x}_{1}, \tilde{x}_{2}, \tilde{x}_{3})$$ via the transformation matrix Tij:

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} P_{i}=T_{i j} \tilde{P}_{j} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

where the transformation matrix Tij can be written as follows:

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} T_{i j}=\left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 / \sqrt{2} & 1 / \sqrt{2} \\ 0 & -1 / \sqrt{2} & 1 / \sqrt{2} \end{array}\right) \\ \end{array}\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

The temporal evolution of Pi is modeled via numerically solving the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation:

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial P_{i}(x, t)}{\partial t}=-L \frac{\delta F}{\delta P_{i}(x, t)},(i=1,2,3), \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

where t is the time step, L is the kinetic coefficient related to the domain wall mobility, and the total free energy F consists of the following contributions:

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} F=\displaystyle\int_{V}\left[f_{bulk}\left(P_{i}\right)+f_{grad}\left(P_{i, j}\right)+f_{elas}\left(P_{i}, \varepsilon_{i j}\right)+f_{elec}\left(P_{i}, E_{i}\right)\right] d V \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

The first term is the bulk energy density,

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_{bulk} & = \alpha_{1}\left(P_{1}^{2}+P_{2}^{2}+P_{3}^{2}\right)+\alpha_{11} P_{1}^{4}+\alpha_{22}^{*}\left(P_{2}^{4}+P_{3}^{4}\right)+\alpha_{12}\left(P_{1}^{2} P_{2}^{2}+P_{1}^{2} P_{3}^{2}\right) \\ & +\alpha_{23}^{*} P_{2}^{2} P_{3}^{2}+\alpha_{111} P_{1}^{6}+\alpha_{222}^{*}\left(P_{2}^{6}+P_{3}^{6}\right)+\alpha_{112} P_{1}^{4}\left(P_{2}^{2}+P_{3}^{2}\right) \\ & +\alpha_{221}^{*}\left(P_{2}^{4} P_{1}^{2}+P_{3}^{4} P_{1}^{2}\right)+\alpha_{223}^{*}\left(P_{2}^{4} P_{3}^{2}+P_{3}^{4} P_{2}^{2}\right)+\alpha_{123}^{*} P_{1}^{2} P_{2}^{2} P_{3}^{2} \end{aligned} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

where $$\alpha_{1}, \alpha_{11}, \alpha_{22}^{*}, \alpha_{12}, \alpha_{23}^{*}, \alpha_{222}^{*}, \alpha_{112}, \alpha_{221}^{*}, \alpha_{223}^{*},$$ and $$\alpha_{123}^{*}$$are the Landau-Devonshire coefficients. The second term is gradient energy density,

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_{grad} & = \frac{1}{2} G_{11} P_{1,1}^{2}+\frac{1}{2} G_{22}^{*}\left(P_{2,2}^{2}+P_{3,3}^{2}\right)+G_{12}\left(P_{1,1} P_{2,2}+P_{1,1} P_{3,3}\right)+G_{23}^{*} P_{2,2} P_{3,3} \\ & +\frac{1}{2} G_{44}^{*}\left(P_{2,3}+P_{3,2}\right)^{2}+\frac{1}{2} G_{55}^{*}\left[\left(P_{1,2}+P_{2,1}\right)^{2}+\left(P_{1,3}+P_{3,1}\right)^{2}\right] \\ \end{aligned}\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

where $$ G_{11}, G_{22}^{*}, G_{12}, G_{23}^{*}, G_{44}^{*},~\text{and}~G_{55}^{*}$$ are the gradient coefficients in Voigt’s notation for the cubic system. The third term is elastic energy density,

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} f_{elas} & = \frac{1}{2} C_{11} e_{11}^{2}+\frac{1}{2} C_{22}^{*}\left(e_{22}^{2}+e_{33}^{2}\right)+C_{12}\left(e_{11} e_{22}+e_{11} e_{33}\right)+C_{23}^{*} e_{22} e_{33} \\ & +2 C_{44}^{*} e_{23}^{2}+2 C_{55}^{*}\left(e_{12}^{2}+e_{13}^{2}\right) \end{aligned}\\ \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

where Cijkl is the elastic stiffness tensor involving $$ C_{11}, C_{22}^{*}, C_{12}, C_{23}^{*}, C_{44}^{*},~\text{and}~C_{55}^{*}$$eij is elastic strain, the difference between the total strain εij and the spontaneous strain $$ \varepsilon_{ij}^{0} $$ The expression of spontaneous strain $$ \varepsilon_{ij}^{0} $$ and the spontaneous polarization Pican be written as follows.

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{c} \varepsilon_{11}^{0}=Q_{11} P_{1}^{2}+Q_{12}\left(P_{2}^{2}+P_{3}^{2}\right) \\ \varepsilon_{22}^{0}=Q_{12} P_{1}^{2}+Q_{22}^{*} P_{2}^{2}+Q_{23}^{*} P_{3}^{2} \\ \varepsilon_{33}^{0}=Q_{12} P_{1}^{2}+Q_{23}^{*} P_{2}^{2}+Q_{22}^{*} P_{3}^{2} \\ \varepsilon_{23}^{0}=Q_{44}^{*} P_{2} P_{3} \\ \varepsilon_{13}^{0}=Q_{55}^{*} P_{1} P_{3} \\ \varepsilon_{12}^{0}=Q_{55}^{*} P_{1} P_{2} \end{array} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

where $$ Q_{11}, Q_{12}, Q_{22}^{*}, Q_{23}^{*}, Q_{44}^{*},~\text{and}~Q_{55}^{*}$$ are the electrostrictive coefficients. The last term is electrostatic energy density,

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} f_{elec}=-\frac{1}{2} \varepsilon_{0} \varepsilon_{b} E_{i}^{2}-E_{i} P_{i} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

The thermodynamic parameters of PTO used in this paper refer to the previous literature[30] and are listed in Table 1. The conversion relationship between these coefficients and those under the (001) orientation is shown in Table 2. The coefficients with the superscript ‘*’ denote those in the (110) orientation.

Table 1

Material parameters of PbTiO3 used in the phase-field simulations

α13.8(T - 479) × 105C-2·m2·NQ110.089C-2·m4
α11-7.3 × 107C-4·m6·NQ12-0.026C-2·m4
α127.5 × 108C-4·m6·NQ440.0675C-2·m4
α1112.6 × 108C-6·m10·NG111.035 × 10-10C-2·m4·N
α1126.1 × 108C-6·m10·NG120C-2·m4·N
α123-3.7 × 109C-6·m10·NG445.176 × 10-11C-2·m4·N
C111.746 × 1011N·m-2εb40
C127.937 × 1010N·m-2
C441.111 × 1011N·m-2
Table 2

The relations of the energy coefficients to transform from (001)-oriented coordinate systems to (110)-oriented coordinate systems

Landau-devonshire coefficients$$ \begin{array}{l} \alpha_{22}^{*}=\left(2 \alpha_{11}+\alpha_{12}\right) / 4, \quad \alpha_{23}^{*}=\left(6 \alpha_{11}-\alpha_{12}\right) / 2, \\ \alpha_{222}^{*}=\left(\alpha_{11}+\alpha_{112}\right) / 4, \quad \alpha_{221}^{*}=\left(2 \alpha_{112}+\alpha_{123}\right) / 4, \\ \alpha_{223}^{*}=\left(15 \alpha_{111}-\alpha_{112}\right) / 4, \quad \alpha_{123}^{*}=\left(6 \alpha_{112}-\alpha_{123}\right) / 2 \\ \end{array} $$
Gradient coefficients$$ \begin{array}{l} G_{22}^{*}=\left(G_{11}+G_{12}+2 G_{44}\right) / 2, \\ G_{23}^{*}=\left(G_{11}+G_{12}-2 G_{44}\right) / 2, \\ G_{44}^{*}=\left(G_{11}-G_{12}\right) / 2, \quad G_{55}^{*}=G_{44}\\ \end{array} $$
Elastic stiffness tensors$$ \begin{array}{l} C_{22}^{*}=\left(C_{11}+C_{12}+2 C_{44}\right) / 2, \\ C_{23}^{*}=\left(C_{11}+C_{12}-2 C_{44}\right) / 2, \\ C_{44}^{*}=\left(C_{11}-C_{12}\right) / 2, \quad C_{55}^{*}=C_{44} \\ \end{array} $$
Electrostrictive coefficients$$ \begin{array}{l} Q_{22}^{*}=\left(Q_{11}+Q_{12}+Q_{44} / 2\right) / 2, \\ Q_{23}^{*}=\left(Q_{11}+Q_{12}-Q_{44} / 2\right) / 2, \\ Q_{44}^{*}=2\left(Q_{11}-Q_{12}\right), Q_{55}^{*}=Q_{44} \\ \end{array} $$

To construct the misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented PTO films, we employed 128Δx × 128Δy × 60Δz discrete grid points with grid spacing Δx = Δy = 1 nm and Δz = 0.4 nm, which corresponds to 128 × 128 × 24 nm3 in the real space. The thickness of the PTO thin film and the deformable substrate are 20 and 4 nm, respectively. The in-plane misfit strains ε11 and ε22 range from -4% to 4%, and the temperature is chosen as the room temperature (25 °C). Periodic boundary conditions were applied along the in-plane directions. The mixed mechanical boundary condition was applied, ensuring that the top surface of the film is in a traction-free state, while the bottom of the simulation region in the substrate is fixed. The short-circuit electric boundary condition is considered where the electric potential at the top film surface and the film/substrate interface is fixed to zero. Random noise is used to simulate the annealing process as the initial setup. All related coefficients of PTO are adopted from the previous literature[7,35].


Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram

A series of equilibrium structures under different misfit strains ε11 and ε22 are calculated by phase-field simulations. Firstly, the structures of (110)-oriented PTO films are analyzed via the SP method, and the type of phase at each position of misfit strain-misfit strain space is determined, as shown in Figure 1. There are several phases, including the tetragonal phase (Ta: P1 0, P2= P3= 0, Tc: P2= P3 0, P1= 0), the orthogonal phase (Oc: P3 ≠ 0, P1 = P2 = 0), the monoclinic phase (Mc: P2P3 ≠ 0, P1 = 0), and the rhombohedral phase (R: P1P2 ≠ 0, P3 = 0). The ranges of tetragonal-like, orthogonal, and rhombohedral-like phases are marked by green, red, and orange solid circles, respectively, with radii of 10°. The polarization vector of the monoclinic Mc phase rotates in the x2-x3 plane. When the angle between the polarization vector of the Mc phase and the original [001] axis is less than 10°, it is defined as the Tc phase. In fact, the Tc phase is a tetragonal-like monoclinic Mc phase. Comparing the SPs under each misfit strain with the ideal position schematic diagram of the (110)-oriented PTO ferroelectric phase shown in the center of Figure 1, the phase and polarization variants under different misfit strains can be determined accurately.

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO<sub>3</sub> films: a phase-field study

Figure 1. The stereographic projections of ferroelectric phases for (110)-oriented PTO thin films under anisotropic misfit strains at room temperature. (A-H) The stereographic projections of typical ferroelectric phases under different strain states. The schematic diagram in the center gives the ideal locations of different ferroelectric phases for (110)-oriented PTO films. The ranges of tetragonal-like, orthorhombic, and rhombohedral-like phases are marked by green, red, and orange solid circles. The magenta dashed circle indicates the position where the polarization vector deviates from the x3 axis by 45°, and the cyan dashed lines mark the four in-plane <111> directions. The color reflects the intensity of the projection scatters.

When the strain state of the PTO film is the symmetrical strain of ε11 = ε22 = -4%, the peak of the projection point is located at the center of the SPs, as shown in Figure 1A, which indicates that the polarization vectors are parallel to the x3 axis, that is, the Oc phase. Keeping ε11 at a compressive strain of -4% and changing ε22 toward the tensile strain gradually, the peak of the projection point splits into two parts along the x2 axis, corresponding to the two polarized variants of the Mc phase, as shown in Figure 1B. When ε22 continues to increase to 4% of the tensile strain, the peaks of the Mc phase enter the range of the Tc phase, the green circles, as shown in Figure 1C. When ε22 is maintained at 4%, and ε11 is gradually changed toward the tensile strain, it is found that the peak of the Mc phase continues to deflect in the in-plane direction. When ε11 = 1%, the peaks of the Ta phase emerge at both ends of the x1 axis, and the phase structure is Ta/Mc mixed phase, as shown in Figure 1D. Further increasing ε11, the peaks of the R phase emerge. When the strain is ε11 = ε22 = 4%, the peaks of the Mc phase disappear, resulting in the Ta/R phase, as shown in Figure 1E. Keeping ε11 at 4% and decreasing ε22, it is found that the peak of the R phase gradually weakens, and the peak of the Mc phase begins to appear on the x2 axis. When the strain state is ε11 = 4% and ε22 = 1%, the phase structure evolves into the Ta/Mc phase again, as shown in Figure 1F. With the decrease of ε22, the peaks of the Mc phase gradually disappear, and the phase structure transforms into the pure Ta phase, as shown in Figure 1G. Finally, the compressive strain of ε22 is maintained at -4%, after which ε11 is gradually reduced. Under the asymmetric strain of ε11 = 0% and ε22 = -4%, the peak of the Oc phase appears in the central region of the SPs, forming the Ta/Oc phase, as shown in Figure 1H. As ε11 continues to change toward the compressive strain, the peaks of the Ta phase gradually weaken, and the phase structure transforms into a pure Oc phase, as shown in Figure 1A.

Based on the above analysis, the misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of the (110)-oriented PTO film with a thickness of 20 nm at room temperature was constructed, as shown in Figure 2. It can be seen from the phase diagram that there are seven kinds of ferroelectric phases at room temperature. Under a large compressive strain (the left-bottom corner), an out-of-plane polarized Oc phase region appears. Under large asymmetric strains (the left-top and right-bottom corners), there are single-phase regions of the Ta phase and the Mc phase. In other regions, there are some mixed-phase regions, including the Ta/Oc, Ta/Mc, and Ta/Mc/R phases. Compared with the misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of the (001)-oriented PTO film, the misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of the (110)-oriented PTO film is asymmetric[36], and the symmetries of the phases in the (110)-oriented PTO are also generally lower than those under the (001) orientation. Compared with the temperature-symmetric strain phase diagram of the (110)-oriented PTO film[30], it is found that the high-temperature Ta phase can be stabilized at room temperature under the asymmetric strain.

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO<sub>3</sub> films: a phase-field study

Figure 2. Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented PTO thin film at room temperature.

Typical domain structures under asymmetric strain

Figure 3 gives the typical domain structure in (110)-oriented PTO films under different strain states. Figure 3A shows the orthorhombic Oc phase under the large compressive strain in the x1 and x2 directions, which consists of two polar variants, Oc+(0, 0, +P3) and Oc-(0, 0, -P3), perpendicular to the interface of the film and the substrate. Figure 3B shows the monoclinic Mc phase under the compressive strain in the x1 direction and the tensile strain in the x2 direction, which consists of two polarized anti-parallel polarization variants, Mc2+(0, +P2, -P3) and Mc2-(0, -P2, +P3). Figure 3C is the tetragonal-like Ta phase under the tensile strain in the x1 direction and the compressive strain in the x2 direction, which consists of two polarization variants, Ta+(+P1, 0, 0) and Ta-(-P1, 0, 0), with anti-parallel polarizations along the x1 axis. These three single phases are all featured by 180° domain structures. The domain walls in the Oc phase are perpendicular to the interface, and the domain structures are maze-like. The domain wall in the Mc phase tilts to the interface, and the tilt angle changes with the asymmetric strain of the substrate. In contrast, the domain walls in the Ta phase are straight and perpendicular to the x2 axis.

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO<sub>3</sub> films: a phase-field study

Figure 3. Typical domain structures of (110)-oriented PTO thin films under different misfit strains. (A) The Oc phase; (B) The Mc phase; (C) The Ta phase; (D) The Ta/Oc phase; (E) The Ta/Mc phase; (F) The Ta/R phase. The polarization variants are denoted by different colors, as labeled on the right.

Figure 3D shows the Ta/Oc mixed phase under zero strain in the x1 direction and large compressive strain in the x2 direction. It contains two tetragonal variants, Ta+(+P1, 0, 0), Ta-(-P1, 0, 0), and two orthogonal variants, Oc+(0, 0, +P3) and Oc-(0, 0, -P3). The 90° ferroelastic domain wall is between the Ta phase and the Oc phase. The Ta/Mc mixed phase under a large tensile strain in the x2 direction shown in Figure 3E contains two tetragonal variants, Ta+(+P1, 0, 0) and Ta-(-P1, 0, 0), and two monoclinic variants, Mc2+(0, +P2, -P3) and Mc2-(0, -P2, +P3). The Ta phase and the Mc phase are also separated by 90° ferroelastic phase boundaries. Under the asymmetric strain of ε11 = 1% and ε22 = 4%, fine stripes of the Ta phase are embedded in the Mc phase. Figure 3F is the Ta/R phase under a large symmetric tensile strain, which contains two kinds of tetragonal variants, Ta+(+P1, 0, 0) and Ta-(-P1, 0, 0), and four kinds of rhombohedral variants, R1+(+P1, +P2, 0), R1-(-P1, -P2, 0),R2+(+P1, -P2, 0), and R2-(-P1, +P2, 0). The detailed domain/phase structures and topological domains have been analyzed elaborately in the previous work[30].

Among the above-mentioned typical domain structures, the Ta/Oc phase is a newly emerged mixed phase under the asymmetric strain. Figure 4 shows the three-dimensional domain structure of the Ta/Oc phase and the cross-sectional view from different directions. From the vertical cross-section in Figure 4B, we can see the vertical and horizontal alternating domain structure and the inclined 90° domain wall, and the angle between the domain wall and the interface is about 50°. The reason that the angle deviates from 45° is that the polarization magnitudes of the Ta and Oc phases are not equal. The horizontal cross-section of Figure 4C reflects the irregular strip domain structure and 90° domain wall from another direction.

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO<sub>3</sub> films: a phase-field study

Figure 4. Domain structures of the Ta/Oc phase in (110)-oriented PTO thin films under the anisotropy strains of ε11 = 0% and ε22 = -4%. (A) The 3D domain structure; (B) The vertical cross-section; (C) The horizontal cross-section of the white dashed boxes in (A) The bars in (B and C) indicate 10 nm.

The effect of asymmetric strain on domain structures

In order to further reveal the effect of asymmetric strain on the domain structure of (110)-oriented PTO films, the domain structure and domain morphology of the Ta/Mc phase under different strains are analyzed in this section, as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5A shows the Ta/Mc phase structure under the symmetric strain of ε11 = ε22 = 1%. The strip-like Ta phase and the Mc phase (the volume fraction is about 66.1%) coexist, and the domain wall density is high. When increasing the strain in the x2 direction to ε22 = 4%, as shown in Figure 5B, the volume fraction of the Mc phase increases (about 88.3%) at the expanse of the strip Ta phase. When increasing the strain in the x1 direction to ε11 = 4%, however, the volume fraction of the Ta phase increases while that of the Mc phase decreases (about 9.3%), as shown in Figure 5C.

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO<sub>3</sub> films: a phase-field study

Figure 5. Domain morphologies of the Ta/Mc phase under different misfit strains. (A) ε11 = ε22 = 1.0%; (B) ε11 = 1.0%, ε22 = 4.0% and (C) ε11 = 4.0%,ε22 = 1.0%. The scale bars indicate 10 nm.

Figure 6 is the evolution of the phase structure with the strain ε11 under fixed ε22. When ε22 = -2%, it can be seen from Figure 6A that with the increase of ε11, the phase structure undergoes the evolution path of OcMcTa/McTa. In the Ta/Mc phase region, with the increase of ε11, the volume fraction of the Ta phase increases, and the volume fraction of the Mc phase decreases. Figure 6B is the corresponding polarization component evolution diagram. With the increase of ε11, the out-of-plane Pz component gradually decreases, and the in-plane Py component gradually increases. At ε11 = 2%, due to the disappearance of the Mc phase, the Py and Pz components decrease to zero. The in-plane Px component appears at ε11 = -1% and gradually increases with the increase of misfit strain ε11. Corresponding to the volume fraction diagram, in the strain range of ε11 = -1%-2%, it is a Ta/Mc mixed phase with three polarization components. Figure 6C is the angle evolution diagram between the polarization of the Mc(Oc) phase and the x3 axis. The polarization angle increases from 4 to 25°, indicating that the polarization vector gradually rotates to the in-plane direction with the increase of ε11. In addition, we also analyzed the evolution of phase volume fractions, polarization components, and polarization angles with the misfit strain ε11 when ε22 = 0% and ε22 = 2%, as shown in Figure 6D-F and G-I, respectively. At ε22 = 0%, with the increase of ε11, the evolution path of the phase is McTa/McTa, as shown in Figure 6D. At ε22 = 2%, with the increase of ε11, the evolution path is McTa/Mc, as shown in Figure 6G. The corresponding polarization component diagrams [Figure 6E and H] and polarization angle diagrams [Figure 6F and I] have similar evolution trends as those of ε22 = -2%. With the increase of ε11, the out-of-plane Pz component corresponding to Mc gradually decreases, and the in-plane Py component gradually increases. The Px component corresponding to Ta increases gradually. Similarly, the angle between the Mc phase and the x3 axis is also increasing, indicating that the polarization of the Mc phase rotates to the in-plane direction.

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO<sub>3</sub> films: a phase-field study

Figure 6. Phase structure evolutions of (110)-oriented PTO films with respective to misfit strain ε11 at various constant strain ε22. (A-C) ε22 = -2%; (D-F) ε22 = 0%; (G-I) ε22 = 2%. (A, D, G) are the volume fractions. (B, E, H) are the polarization components of various phases. (C, F, I) are the angle θ between the polarizations of the Mc(Oc) phase and the x3 axis, in which the bars represent the standard deviations of the angle. The schematic of the angle θ is shown as an insert in (I).

Figure 7 is the evolution of the phase structure with the misfit strain ε22 when the misfit strain ε11 is fixed. At ε11 = -2%, with the increase of ε22, the phase structure evolves from the Oc phase to the Mc phase, as shown in Figure 7A. Figure 7B reflects the evolution of the polarization component. When ε22 = -3%, the in-plane Py component emerges and gradually increases with ε22, while the out-of-plane Pz component increases first and then decreases. Figure 7C shows the change of the angle between the polarization of the Mc(Oc) phase and the x3 axis. In the Mc phase region, the angle increases from 0 to 51.5°, indicating that the polarization of the Mc phase gradually rotates to the in-plane direction with the increase of ε22. At ε11 = 0%, it can be seen from the phase volume fraction in Figure 7D that with the increase of ε22, the evolution path is Ta/OcTa/McMc. In the Ta/Mc phase region, with the increase of ε22, the volume fraction of the Ta phase decreases, and that of the Mc phase increases. As shown in Figure 7E, the variation trends of Py and Pz components are the same as that in the case of ε11 = -2% [Figure 7B]. In addition, the Px component corresponding to Ta gradually increases with strains and disappears at ε22 = 2%. At ε11 = 2%, with the increase of ε22, the evolution path of the phase is TaTa/McTa/Mc/R, as shown in Figure 7G. Figure 7H shows that in the range of ε22 < -2%, there is only the Px component corresponding to Ta, and its polarization magnitude does not change significantly with the increase of strain. When ε22 = -2%, the Mc phase appears, and its corresponding Py and Pz components also increase suddenly. With the increase of ε22, the in-plane Px and Py components gradually increase, and the out-of-plane Pz component gradually decreases. When ε22 = 4%, the Px(R) and Py(R) components corresponding to the R phase appear. Similarly, the polarization angle diagram of the Mc phase [Figure 7F and I] also reflects the evolution of the Mc phase with the increase of strain ε22.

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO<sub>3</sub> films: a phase-field study

Figure 7. Phase structure evolutions of (110)-oriented PTO films with respective to misfit strain ε22 at various constant strains ε11. (A-C) ε11 = -2%; (D-F) ε11 = 0%; (G-I) ε11 = 2%. (A, D, G) are the volume fractions. (B, E, H) are the polarization components of various phases. (C, F, I) are the angle θ between the polarizations of the Mc(Oc) phase and the x3 axis, in which the bars represent the standard deviations of the angle.

Asymmetric strain between the orthogonal substrates and the film

In recent years, with the development of a series of commercial orthogonal substrates, it is possible to control the domain structure in (110)-oriented PTO films by the asymmetric strain. The lattice constants of the commonly used orthorhombic scandate and gallate substrates and the mismatch strain between them and the (110)-oriented PTO film are listed in Table 3. In the phase-field simulation, the lattice constants of the (110)-oriented PTO film in the in-plane x1[100] and x2[011] directions are ac = 3.957 Å and $$\sqrt{2}$$ac = 5.596 Å, respectively. In order to make the (110)-oriented film and the orthogonal substrate match the lattice in two directions in the interface, there are two growth orientations. One is grown on the (100)O plane, which satisfies [100]PC//[001]O, [011]PC//[010]O. The other one is grown on the (010)O plane, which satisfies [100]PC//[001]O, [011]PC//[100]O, where the subscripts PC and O represent the pseudo-cubic index of the film and the orthogonal index of the substrate, respectively. The misfit strains corresponding to the orthogonal (100)O and (010)O scandate and gallate substrates are plotted in the phase diagram, as shown in Figure 8. It can be seen that the strains corresponding to the (100)O- and (010)O-oriented scandate substrates are located in the Ta/Mc, Ta/Oc, and Mc phase regions. The strains corresponding to the (100)O- and (010)O-oriented gallate substrates are located near the phase boundary between the Oc phase and the Mc phase.

Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO<sub>3</sub> films: a phase-field study

Figure 8. The strain positions of orthorhombic scandate and gallate substrates in the phase diagram.

Table 3

The lattice constants of commonly used orthorhombic scandate and gallate substrates and the misfit strains between these substrates and (110)-oriented PTO films

Substrateabc(100)O substrate(010)O substrate


In this work, the misfit strain-misfit strain multi-domain phase diagram of (110)-oriented PTO thin films at room temperature was constructed by phase-field simulations. Three single phases and four mixed phases were predicted to exist due to the anisotropic strain. The single phases (Oc and Mc) mainly exist within the phase region characterized by compressive ε11, and the phase Ta, which is typically observed only at high temperatures under the isotropic strain conditions, emerges within the phase region marked by the tensile ε11 and the compressive ε22 at room temperature. The locations of various orthorhombic substrates marked in the phase diagram and the analysis of the polarization rotation should provide scientific guidance for the future development of piezoelectric devices.


Authors’ contributions

Data analysis, interpretation, initial draft writing, and manuscript revision: Li HM

Data acquisition: Zhang H

Manuscript revision; funding acquisition: Wang YJ

Funding acquisition: Tang YL, Zhu YL, Ma XL

Availability of data and materials

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Financial support and sponsorship

This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52122101 and 51971223) and Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science (L2019R06, L2019R08, L2019F01, L2019F13). Wang YJ and Tang YL acknowledge the Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS (2021187 and Y202048). Tang YL acknowledges the Scientific Instrument Developing Project of CAS (YJKYYQ20200066). We are grateful to Prof. Li J. Y. at Southern University of Science and Technology and Dr. Lei C. H. at Saint Louis University for the development of the phase-field code.

Conflicts of interest

All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent of publication

Not applicable.


© The Author(s) 2024.


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Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO3 films: a phase-field study
Hui-Mei Li, ... Xiu-Liang Ma

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Li, H. M.; Zhang H.; Wang Y. J.; Tang Y. L.; Zhu Y. L.; Ma X. L. Misfit strain-misfit strain phase diagram of (110)-oriented ferroelectric PbTiO3 films: a phase-field study. Microstructures. 2024, 4, 2024004.

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