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Research Article  |  Open Access  |  18 Sep 2023

Investigation of BiFeO3-BaTiO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth

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Microstructures 2023;3:2023035.
10.20517/microstructures.2023.34 |  © The Author(s) 2023.
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BiFeO3-BaTiO3 (BF-BT)-based lead-free ceramics are promising piezoelectric materials exhibiting high Curie temperatures and excellent electrochemical properties. In this study, 0.70Bi1+xFeO3-0.30BaTiO3 (B1+xF-BT,x = -0.01, 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04) lead-free piezoelectric ceramics were successfully fabricated via the conventional solid-phase reaction process. Crystallographic structure, microstructure, dielectric, impedance, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties among different compositions were comprehensively investigated. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that all compositions exhibited a typical perovskite structure with a cubic-rhombohedral phase mixture. The grain size of ceramics tends to increase as the Bi2O3 content rises. In particular, the backscattered electron images and energy dispersive analysis revealed prominent core-shell microstructure within grains. Notably, the BF-BT ceramic containing 1% excess Bi displayed the maximum $$\ \large d_{33}$$ ~217 pC/N and $$\ \large d_{33}^{*}$$ ~243 pm/V accompanied by a high Curie temperature of 515 °C. The findings demonstrate the potential feasibility of BF-BT ceramics in the field of lead-free piezoelectric ceramics.


Piezoelectric ceramics, lead-free, BF-BT, bismuth, nonstoichiometric


Piezoelectric ceramics are extensively employed in electronic devices, such as sensors, actuators, filters, ultrasonic devices, etc., which are realized through the mutual conversion between mechanical and electrical energies[1-3]. Over decades, Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3-based piezoelectric ceramics have been used dominantly in commercial devices. However, the toxicity of lead (Pb) can cause irreversible damage to human health and the environment, which promotes research hotspots on lead-free materials[4-6]. Among the lead-free materials, (K,Na)NbO3 (KNN)-based and Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3 (BNT)-based piezoelectric ceramics are considered to be promising candidates for lead-based piezoelectric ceramics[7-10]. Despite the high piezoelectric coefficient ($$\ d_{33}$$ > 500 pC/N), KNN ceramics suffer from certain drawbacks, such as the K and Na volatilization, unstable phase structures near room temperature, and low Curie temperatures (TC) ~200 °C[1,11-13]. BNT-based ceramics used to exhibit high TC, but the volatilization of Bi and Na elements leads to unstable chemical compositions and a high coercive field; consequently, superior polarization is difficult to achieve[14-17].

In recent years, BiFeO3-xBaTiO3 (BF-xBT) piezoelectric ceramics have emerged as competitive candidates in lead-free materials[2,18-20]. As a kind of multiferroic material, BF has a rhombohedral phase perovskite structure (ABO3), which has attracted significant attention because of its high TC (830 °C) and excellent spontaneous polarization (Ps = 90-100 μC/cm2)[21,22]. Recent studies of BF single crystal[23-25], polycrystalline thin film[26-29], and epitaxial thin film[30-34] have also been conducted, which has given researchers additional ideas for exploring and application. However, the synthesis of pure BF is usually accompanied by the generation of impurities, where excess Fe2O3 exceeding 5 mol % leads to the formation of pyrochlore Bi2Fe4O9 and gamma-Fe2O3[35]. Additionally, the volatilization of Bi and the valence reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ at high temperatures cause high leakage currents, resulting in challenges for practical applications[36-38]. BT is a traditional ferroelectric material exhibiting a tetragonal phase structure at room temperature and possesses a low TC of ~120 °C[39]. It has been found that the sintering of BF-xBT solid solution can effectively suppress the generation of secondary or impurity phases and reduce the leakage current. Specifically, a morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) can be constructed when x approaches 0.30 ~ 0.35, which contributes to enhanced dielectric, piezoelectric, and ferroelectric properties while maintaining a high TC[40-42].

However, one of the notable disadvantages in BF-xBT-based piezoelectric ceramics is the Bi2O3 volatilization during the sintering process, resulting in poor electrical resistivity and piezoelectric performance. The volatilization of Bi2O3 can be described by the following defect Equation (1)[43]

$$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} 2 \mathrm{Bi}^{3+}+3 \mathrm{O}^{2-} \rightarrow \mathrm{Bi}_2 \mathrm{O}_3 \uparrow+2 V_{\mathrm{Bi}}^{3-}+3 V_{\mathrm{O}}^{2+} \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$

The volatilization of Bi2O3 leads to the generation of Bi vacancies ($$\ V_{\mathrm{Bi}}^{3-}$$) and O vacancies ($$\ V_{\mathrm{O}}^{2+}$$) within the ceramics. Various strategies have been attempted to solve the problem. One of the most common strategies is using nonstoichiometric (excess) Bi to compensate for the loss of Bi during high-temperature sintering, as listed in Table 1.

Table 1

Summary of ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of BF-BT system piezoelectric ceramics with excess Bi2O3

Composition$$\ \large d_{33}$$/ $$\ \large d_{33}^{*}$$Pr (μC/cm2)TC (°C)References
0.70B1.02F-0.30BT183 pC/N21.38480[44]
0.69B1.04F-0.31BT207 pC/N--[45]
0.70B1.02F-0.30BT211 pm/V19.6421[46]
0.65B1.05F-0.35BT270 pm/V27.61432[47]
0.70B1.02F-0.30BT214 pC/N19.61528[48]
0.54B1.01F-0.36BT-0.10BZ197 pC/N20445[49]
0.70B1.02FMT-0.30BT198 pC/N-497[50]
0.70B1.05F-0.30BT180 pC/N-506[43]
0.75B1.01F-0.25BT114 pC/N34.4508[51]
0.71B1.04F-0.29BT142 pC/N-452[52]

In this study, a series of 0.70B1+xF-0.30BT (x = -0.01, 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04) ceramics were fabricated using the conventional solid-state reaction method. The influence of Bi2O3 compensation on the phase structure, microstructure, dielectric, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties of ceramics are systematically investigated.


0.70Bi1+xFeO3-0.30BaTiO3 (B1+xF-BT, x = -0.01, 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04) piezoelectric ceramics were fabricated using a solid-state reaction process. Bi2O3 (99%, Sinopharm, China), Fe2O3 (99.9%, Aladdin, China), BaCO3 (99%, Sinopharm, China), and TiO2 (98%, Sinopharm, China) powders were employed as raw materials. All powders were weighed according to stoichiometric ratios and ball-milled for 24 h using zirconia balls in ethanol. The mixed slurry was dried and calcined at 750 °C in a sealed alumina crucible for 2 h, followed by a secondary ball-milling process for 12 h. The calcined powder was mixed with a 10 wt% polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) binder, and the green pellets with a diameter of 10 mm were formed under a pressure of 127 MPa. The green pellets were kept at 600 °C for 2 h to burn out PVA and then sintered into ceramics at 1,010 °C for 3 h to obtain ceramics. Silver paste was sintered on parallel ceramic surfaces to form electrodes for electrical measurements.

The crystal structure and morphology were probed by the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD, D8 Advance X, Bruker, Germany) with Cu-Kα radiation and the scanning electron microscope (SEM, Apreo 2, Thermo Scientific, United States) equipped with an energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) detector, respectively. The dielectric and impedance properties were measured via a precision LCR meter (E4980A, Agilent Technologies, United States) connected to a high-temperature dielectric test system (DMS-1000, Balab Technology, China). The ferroelectric hysteresis (PE) loops and fieldinduced strain (SE) curves were collected by a ferroelectric tester station (PK-10E, PolyK Technologies, United States). The piezoelectric coefficient ($$\ d_{33}$$) is recorded by a quasi-static $$\ d_{33}$$ meter (SA1303A, PolyK Technology, United States).


The XRD results reveal that all B1+xF-BT compositions exhibit a perovskite structure with a phase mixture consisting of cubic (Pm$$\ \overline{3}$$m) and rhombohedral (R3c) phases, as shown in Figure 1A. The impurity of Bi25FeO40, a common occurrence in the BF-BT system[37], is appeared when x ≥ 0.03. The enlarged (111) and (200) peaks show insignificant peak shifts with varying Bi2O3 content. The refined results for each component are displayed in Figure 1B and Table 2. The cubic phase gradually decreases as the Bi2O3 content increases and tends to stabilize at x ≥ 0.01, according to this Table. This demonstrates that the phase structure changes from the Bi2O3-deficient to the Bi2O3-excess tends to change from the cubic phase to the rhombohedral phase, while the excess Bi2O3 phase structure has little effect, which is also reflected in the lattice parameter.

Investigation of BiFeO<sub>3</sub>-BaTiO<sub>3</sub> lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth

Figure 1. (A) XRD patterns of the B1+xF-BT ceramics, (B) the Rietveld refinement results for x = 0.01.

Table 2

The rietveld refinement data of the observed XRD patterns for B1+xF-BT ceramics

xPhase fraction (%)RhombohedralCubic
(Pm$$\ \overline{3}$$m)
a (Å)c (Å)V (Å3)a (Å)V (Å3)RwpX2

Figure 2 shows the surface morphology of the B1+xF-BT ceramics in different compositions. The ceramic surface exhibits a compact morphology with clear grain boundaries and seldom pores. The calculated relative density is higher than 95% for all compositions [Supplementary Figure 1], which is consistent with the observations from SEM results. Statistical analysis of the grain size distributions reveals that the grains tend to increase with enriching the Bi2O3 content. The ceramic grain size increases from 4.01 μm of x = -0.01 to 9.62 μm of x = 0.04. It is evident that the excess Bi2O3 not only compensates for volatilization but also acts as a sintering aid promoting grain growth, which is consistent with the literature[46,47].

Investigation of BiFeO<sub>3</sub>-BaTiO<sub>3</sub> lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth

Figure 2. SEM images and grain size distribution in B1+xF-BT ceramics with x = (A) -0.01, (B) 0.00, (C) 0.01, (D) 0.02, (E) 0.03, and (F) 0.04.

Figure 3 shows the backscattered electron (BSE) images of the polished surface of B1+xF-BT ceramics with the corresponding elemental mapping results by EDS. A BSE image is used to see the dark and bright contrast, showing the light and heavy element distributions to evidence the core-shell structure in grains, and EDS helps further identify the exact elements in the core and shell regions. The images reveal a non-uniform distribution of elements inside the ceramic, leading to a distinct core-shell microstructure, which is caused by immiscibility of the dominantly ionically bonded BT and covalently bonded BF phases and the microscopic segregation of elements that forms during the slow cooling process of sintering[3,53-56]. Murakami et al. synthesized the 0.05BiScO3-(0.95-x)BaTiO3-xBiFeO3 ceramics without a discernible core-shell microstructure[53]; it is proven that the BF-BT lattice can be replaced by dopants in the narrow range of the ionic radius (RSc3+: 0.745; RTi4+:0.605; RFe3+:0.645Å)/electronegativity (ESc3+:1.3; ETi4+:1.5; EFe3+:1.8) difference so as to prevent phase separation during slow cooling processes. Notably, there is a noticeable contrast between light and dark regions in Figure 3. The core, enriched with Bi and Fe, appears brighter, while the shell, enriched with Ba and Ti, appears relatively darker. In addition, the BSE images of x = -0.01 and x = 0.03 and the distribution of EDS elements are shown in Supplementary Figure 2 and Supplementary Figure 3.

Investigation of BiFeO<sub>3</sub>-BaTiO<sub>3</sub> lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth

Figure 3. BSE images of B1+xF-BT ceramics: x = (A) -0.01, (B) 0.00, (C) 0.01, (D) 0.02, (E) 0.03, (F) 0.04, and EDS elemental mapping results (G) Bi, (H) Fe, (I) Ba, (J) Ti, and (K) O, (L) the scanned points in a core and a shell region and scanned line, EDS data of points and line scan on the core-shell in B1.01F-BT ceramic.

Figure 4A presents the temperature-dependent behavior of relative permittivity (εr) and dielectric loss (tanδ) at 10 kHz. It reveals that as the Bi2O3 content increases, the dielectric peak becomes narrower, and the maximum relative dielectric constant (εr) gradually increases, indicating a reduction of diffuse behavior. It is evident from the spectra that the dielectric peaks of the ceramics exhibit asymmetry, which is related to the presence of a core-shell structure within the ceramic grains. As plotted in Figure 4A, the tanδ of ceramics exhibits an abrupt increase around the Tm (temperature exhibiting the maximum εr), suggesting that there is a transition from the diffuse ferroelectric to the paraelectric phase [Figure 4B]. Figure 4C illustrates the relaxation factor (γ) calculated at 10 kHz, which demonstrates that the value of γ decreases as the x content increases, ranging from γ = 1.79 at x = -0.01 to γ = 1.27 at x = 0.04. Figure 4D displays the variation of ΔTm between 1 kHz and 1 MHz for each component in the temperature spectrum. It is evident that ΔTm tends to decrease with increasing x content, which reveals that the ferroelectricity of the ceramic becomes more prominent, aligning with the decreasing γ depicted in Figure 4C.

Investigation of BiFeO<sub>3</sub>-BaTiO<sub>3</sub> lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth

Figure 4. Temperature-dependent εr and tanδ of (A) -0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.04 measured at 10 kHz, (B) the Tm at 10 kHz, (C) the relaxation coefficient γ at 10 kHz, (D) the ΔTm from 1 kHz to 1 MHz for the B1+xF-BT ceramics.

The complex impedance (Z*) plots of B1+xF-BT ceramics at 400 °C are shown in Figure 5A, where Z' and Z'' represent the real part and imaginary part of Z*, respectively[57]. At 400 °C, the total impedance initially increases from 36.5 kΩ·cm at x = -0.01 to 44.4 kΩ·cm at x = 0.01 and then decreases with incorporating more Bi2O3 content, which indicates that the composition of x = 0.01 is the most electrically resistive. The Z" and M"/ε0 plots of x = 0.01 at 300 °C are plotted in Figure 5B, illustrating the electrical heterogeneity associated with various conductive components. Three peaks are found in the plots corresponding to the three conductive components. Z" exhibits a single peak related to the grain boundary response (component 1), while M"/ε0 shows a strong peak in the low-frequency region and a weak peak in the high-frequency region, which is ascribed to the electrical heterogeneity from the core-shell structure. In this study, the strong peak represents the shell response (component 2), whereas the weaker peak is considered as the core response (component 3). The resistance (R) and capacitance (C) of all conductive components at 325 °C were calculated based on the peaks of Z" and M"/ε0 [Table 3]. The R values of components 1 and 2 reach the maximum in the composition of x = 0.01. However, the R value of component 3 did not change significantly with the increase of Bi2O3 content. Additionally, the resistance of components 1 and 2 is two orders of magnitude higher than that of component 3, which matches the frequency of the peaks of the three components in Figure 5B. It is worth noting that component 3 exhibits a capacitance that is an order of magnitude higher than components 1 and 2, indicating the formation of an electrically conducting core and a nonconductive shell. Figure 5C shows the Arrhenius plots of the grain shell, core, and boundary, and the calculated activation energy calculated by fitting is shown in Figure 5D. The activation energy of the shell (1.06-1.14 eV) is generally lower than that of the core (1.15-1.28 eV) and grain boundary (1.09-1.16 eV).

Investigation of BiFeO<sub>3</sub>-BaTiO<sub>3</sub> lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth

Figure 5. (A)Temperature-dependent Z* plots for B1+xF-BT ceramics at 400 °C, (B) Combined Z" and M"/ε0 spectroscopic plots at 300 °C for x = 0.01, (C) Arrhenius plots and (D) the activation energy for the B1+xF-BT ceramics.

Table 3

The values of R and C for each component at 325 °C derived based on the Z" and M"/ε0 peak values for -0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.04

CompositionComponent 1 (grain boundary)Component 2 (shell)Component 3 (core)
R = 2 Z''
C = 1/(4πfZ'')
(F cm-1)
R = M''/(ε0πf)
C = ε0/(2M'')
(F cm-1)
R = M''/(ε0πf)
C = ε0/(2 M'')
(F cm-1)
-0.01 (325 °C)3465.73 × 10-102814.65 × 10-100.821.42 × 10-9
0.00 (325 °C)3936.07 × 10-103154.77 × 10-101.081.30 × 10-9
0.01 (325 °C)4743.48 × 10-103782.88 × 10-100.951.06 × 10-9
0.02 (325 °C)4385.45 × 10-103294.16 × 10-101.121.14 × 10-9
0.03 (325 °C)3145.25 × 10-102303.93 × 10-100.991.08 × 10-9
0.04 (325 °C)3345.41 × 10-102454.03 × 10-101.071.09 × 10-9

Figure 6A illustrates the PE loops of the B1+xF-BT ceramics at 60 kV/cm under a frequency of 1 Hz, and the corresponding Pr and EC are plotted in Figure 6B. The PE loops show typical ferroelectric features without observations of leakage characteristics at high field amplitudes. However, when x = -0.01, 0.00, the loops demonstrate the phenomenon of leakage conduction, resulting in relatively high values of Pr and EC, which is mainly attributed to the formation of Bi and O vacancies caused by the Bi2O3 volatilization[43]. When x ≥ 0.01, the leakage conductivity of BF-BT is significantly reduced, leading to stable values of Pr and EC. The electric SE loops of ceramics measured at 60 kV/cm are shown in Figure 6C. It can be seen that the strain value increases as x increases from -0.01 to 0.01, reaching a maximum value of 0.146% at x = 0.01, and then the strain value decreases. The strains are calculated by averaging the positive strains obtained at ±60 kV/cm and used for deriving the $$\ d_{33}^{*}$$ values, as plotted in Figure 6D. Notably, the highest $$\ d_{33}^{*}$$ = 243 pm/V and $$\ d_{33}$$ = 217 pC/N are achieved at x = 0.01, evidencing that the suitable amount of compensation of Bi2O3 is effective in improving the piezoelectric properties of the BF-BT ceramics. In addition, the inset image of Figure 6D depicts the temperature dependence of $$\ d_{33}$$ for x = 0.01. It demonstrates that the $$\ d_{33}$$ value has a great temperature sensitivity and decreases above 300 °C as a result of the gradual depolarization at high temperatures.

Investigation of BiFeO<sub>3</sub>-BaTiO<sub>3</sub> lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth

Figure 6. Ferroelectric properties of (A) PE loops at 60 kV/cm and associated (B) Pr and EC of the B1+xF-BT ceramics. (C) SE loops at 60 kV/cm and (D) d33 and d*33 as a function of x concentration for the B1+xF-BT ceramics; the inset image shows the temperature dependence of d33 for x = 0.01.


In this work, a series of 0.70B1+xF-0.30BT-based lead-free piezoelectric ceramics were systematically studied. The addition of Bi2O3 to 0.70BF-BT ceramics plays a crucial role in compensating for the volatilization of Bi elements during high-temperature sintering, leading to enhanced dielectric and piezoelectric performance. The phase structure of the ceramics is barely influenced while varying the Bi2O3 content, where all compositions exhibit a typical perovskite structure with a rhombohedral-cubic phase mixture. The microscopy results indicate an increasing trend of grain size as more Bi2O3 content is incorporated into the composition. The BSE images and element mappings reveal core-shell microstructures in the ceramics, which are attributed to the segregation of elements during the sintering process. Moreover, the higher Bi2O3 content leads to narrower dielectric peaks, higher maximum εr, and diminished relaxation factor, indicating a deteriorated relaxor behavior. The ferroelectric properties of the ceramics, as demonstrated by PE loops, show that the excess of Bi2O3 helps improve the leakage conductivity while stabilizing the Pr and EC. The piezoelectric properties of the ceramics are optimized at x = 0.01 with $$\ d_{33}$$ ~217 pC/N and $$\ d_{33}^{*}$$ ~243 pm/V, but it has a great temperature sensitivity. The nonstoichiometric optimization of the Bi2O3 content in BF-BT was investigated in this work. The findings can be utilized as a foundation for further research into the BF-BT system.


Authors’ contributions

Synthesis and testing of materials, data collection, original manuscript writing: Qin H

Validation and original manuscript revision: Zhao J

Data analysis: Chen X, Li H

Data reduction: Wang S

Chart design: Du Y

Validation: Zhou H

Revision: Li P

Reviewing and editing: Wang D

Availability of data and materials

According to reasonable requirements, all of the data examined in this research can be obtained from the correspondents.

Financial support and sponsorship

This work is supported by the Science, Technology and Innovation Committee of Shenzhen Municipality (Grant No. JCYJ20220531095802005 and No. RCBS20210706092341001).

Conflicts of interest

All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.


© The Author(s) 2023

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Research Article
Open Access
Investigation of BiFeO3-BaTiO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth
Hailan Qin, ... Dawei WangDawei  Wang

How to Cite

Qin, H.; Zhao J.; Chen X.; Li H.; Wang S.; Du Y.; Zhou H.; Li P.; Wang D. Investigation of BiFeO3-BaTiO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with nonstoichiometric bismuth. Microstructures. 2023, 3, 2023035.

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