
The modified 6-chromanol SUL-238 protects against accelerated vascular aging in vascular smooth muscle <i>Ercc1</i>-deficient mice

Figure 2. In vivo vascular function measurements. Arterial stiffness (A) and example picture of pulse wave velocity measurement in abdominal aorta (B). Laser Doppler measurements describing AUC (C) and maximal response (D). Ex vivo histological analysis of carotid arteries to assess collagen content (E) and elastin breaks (F). The 2-way ANOVA with *significant effect of genotype and #significant effect of SUL-238 with P < 0.05. AUC: Area under the curve; SMC-KO: DNA repair endonuclease Ercc1 knockout in vascular smooth muscle cells.

The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging


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