Figure 4. Inkjet printing of MXenes. (A) Z-value range for stable inkjet printing. Reproduced with permission[123]. Copyright 2010, Annual Reviews. (B) Key factors for additive-free Ti3C2Tx ink formulation: ink concentration, flake size and viscosity, and SEM image of printing ink onto fabric surface. Reproduced with permission[92]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH. (C) Diagram of inkjet printing using MXene organic ink and the corresponding high printing resolution patterns. The process consists of three steps: jetting, wetting, and drying. Reproduced under terms of the CC-BY license[52]. Copyright 2019, Springer Nature (D) Schematic of the inkjet printing MP-MSCs and SEM and Cross-sectional image of MP-MSC. Reproduced with permission[124]. Copyright 2021, Wiley-VCH.