
A Special Interview with Professor Isabel Fabregat

Published on: 3 Feb 2021 Viewed: 1674

On 2 February 2021, we are so honored and delighted to have a special interview with Professor Isabel Fabregat.

Personal Introduction

Isabel Fabregat, PhD, is Senior Investigator, Head of the group "TGF-β and cancer", at the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and Associate Professor in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Barcelona. She has been the President of the Spanish Society for Cell Biology since 2011. She was member of the Executive Board of the Spanish Branch of the European Tissue Culture Society and she is currently a member of the Spanish Society for the Study of the Liver, and the International Liver Cancer Association, among others. The current research line of her laboratory focuses on the dissection of the molecular mechanisms induced by TGF-β in liver cells that can explain its differences, and sometimes opposite, functions in liver pathologies, in particular fibrosis and hepatocarcinogenesis. Cross-talk between TGF-β and other pathways, in particular EGFR signaling, is also one of the current interests of the lab. From October 2012 she has coordinated an Initial Training Network – Marie Curie European Action that under the acronym of 'IT-LIVER' (Inhibiting TGF-β in Liver Diseases) integrates different European academic groups and small enterprises to develop a multidisciplinary training program for talented young researchers, to prepare them for leading roles in chronic liver disease research. Dr Fabregat has published around 130 articles in indexed journals, as well as several book chapters. Professor Isabel Fabregat is one of our Editorial Board members and Guest editors. She is guiding a special issue "Molecular Mechanisms of Liver Cancer Cell Proliferation, Invasion and Metastasis" in our journal.

Special Interview

Dr. Prasanna K. Santhekadur, one of the members of the Youth Editorial Board of our journal, from the Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology & Regenerative Medicine, JSS Medical College, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysore, India, participated in this special issue interview with Professor Isabel Fabregat.

Professor Isabel Fabregat focuses on the dissection of the molecular mechanisms induced by TGF-β in liver cells that can explain its differences, and sometimes opposite, functions in liver pathologies, in particular fibrosis and hepatocarcinogenesis. Cross-talk between TGF-β and other pathways, in particular EGFR signaling, is also one of the current interests of the lab. This interview focuses on the nature of TGF-β.

Professor Isabel Fabregat shares her opinion on the nature of TGF-β

Here are questions in the interview:

1) TGF-β is a very complex molecule. What made you get an interest in this multifaceted protein? 2) What is your opinion on the tumour suppressor nature of TGF-β? 3) What is your opinion on the oncogenic nature of TGF-β? 4) How did you manage a work-life balance during COVID19? 5) What are your tips for early career researchers?

Wish the special issue "Molecular Mechanisms of Liver Cancer Cell Proliferation, Invasion and Metastasis" a great success under the guidance of Prof. Isabel Fabregat.

Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of Hepatoma Research.

Hepatoma Research
ISSN 2454-2520 (Online) 2394-5079 (Print)


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