
Green Manufacturing Open is Now a Member of the Committee on Publication Ethics

Published on: 7 Jun 2023 Viewed: 683

The Editorial Office is delighted to announce that the Journal of Green Manufacturing Open has joined the esteemed Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). As a member of COPE, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics in our journal. For more information about our membership with COPE, please visit


As a registered charity founded in the United Kingdom in 1997, COPE boasts over 12,500 members worldwide across various academic disciplines. Its mission is to provide guidance to Editors and publishers on matters of publication ethics, including the handling of research and publication misconduct cases.

Green Manufacturing Open consistently adheres to the COPE Core Practices and the COPE Guidelines to ensure that our peer-review process maintains the highest ethical standards.

Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office
Green Manufacturing Open (GMO)

Green Manufacturing Open
ISSN 2835-7590 (Online)
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