
Chemical Synthesis Unveils Outstanding Editorial Board Members, Junior Editorial Board Members and Newly Promoted Editorial Board Members

Published on: 19 Mar 2024 Viewed: 392

To foster scientific communication and catalyze innovative achievements in Chemical Synthesis (CS, Online ISSN: 2769-5247), the Editorial Office conducted selection activities in December 2023. The objective was to establish an innovative academic exchange platform facilitating dialogue between young scholars and domain experts in chemistry, with the ultimate goal of elevating CS journal to a premier publication. Following rigorous evaluation, we are delighted to announce the selection of 3 outstanding Editorial Board Members and 4 exceptional Junior Editorial Board Members.

Additionally, in recognition of exceptional achievements and unwavering support for the journal, and following thorough deliberation and under the strong recommendation and meticulous coordination of Editor-in-Chief Professor Bao-Lian Su, 3 Junior Editorial Board Members have been promoted to Editorial Board positions.

The esteemed individuals are as follows:

These distinguished scholars will play pivotal roles in upcoming editorial endeavors, continuously striving to enhance the journal's academic quality and impact. Their wisdom and dedication will undoubtedly contribute significantly to advancing the academic community.

Once again, heartfelt congratulations to the aforementioned members on their selection. We express sincere gratitude to all supporters for their continuous support and attention to the journal's efforts.

Editor: Yiying Song
Language Editor: Emma Chen
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of Chemical Synthesis (CS)

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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