
Special Interview with Prof. Isao Koshima - Journal of Plastic and Aesthetic Research

Published on: 28 Jul 2023 Viewed: 1437

On July 26, 2023, the Editorial Office of the Plastic and Aesthetic Research (PAR) had the honor of interviewing Prof. Isao Koshima, Guest Editor of two Special Issues of the journal and the Editorial Board Member, from Hiroshima University Hospital, Japan.

About Prof. Isao Koshima


Isao Koshima, MD, is the President of World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Honorary President of International Society of Lymphology, Executive Director of the Japanese Society of Lymphology, Founding Member of "International Course of Perforator Flaps", Member of Japanese Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery and Japanese Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Contributing Professor of Hiroshima University Hospital (Medical). His research interests are supermicrosurgery, nerve flap, perforator flaps, nanomicrosurgery, lymphatic surgery, etc. His pioneering work includes the conceptualization of perforator flaps, which revolutionized plastic reconstruction surgery. Among his groundbreaking contributions are the inventor of DIEP flap, ALT flap, and chimera combine flaps for head and neck, as well as supermicrosurgery, lymphticovenular anastomosis, and the concept of nerve flap. Notably, he achieved the establishment of supermicro tech(vascular anastomosis less than 0.8-0.3mm). Moreover, he has already accomplished nanomicrosurgery (anastomosis less than 0.3-0.1 with a 30-micron needle) and nanomicro video system. With a remarkable portfolio of over 500 publications in the field of supermicrosurgery and lymphedema, his expertise and research have garnered widespread recognition. His noticeable achievements have earned him several awards, including the 10th Harry J. Buncke Lecturer from the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery and The Maliniac Lecturer from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

The recording of this interview can be found below:

1. In 2023, you published an article entitled “Bioelectrical impedance analysis in patients with breast cancer-related before and after lymphaticovenular anastomosis”. This study is the first attempt to investigate perioperative changes in patients with BCRL undergoing LVA using BIA measurement. Could you please talk about the reasons for choosing SMF-BIA to monitor surgical outcomes of LVA in patients with BCRL and the potential applicability of BIA in patients with BCRL?
2. In 2017, you established annual meeting on international course on supermicrosurgery. And we found that in ICSM meeting in the APFSRM2020 conference,you gave a speech of Supermicro to nanomicro surgery: Neurovascular preventive bypass surgery as an honorary president. Could you please share with us the latest innovative results in supermicrosurgery from your team?
3. Over the years, you and your team have made great breakthroughs in the research of the lymphedema and lymphaticovenular anastomosis. Could you please give us a macroscopic overview of the future direction and new progress can we expect in this field? What are the current biggest challenges in lymphaticovenular anastomosis?
4. Could you please share with us which period of research is the most significant or the turning point in your entire research career? Did anything memorable happen?
5. As a distinguished researcher, do you have any advice for young scholars who are about to choose medical research?

Learn more about Prof. Isao Koshima:
ISAO KOSHIMA (Hiroshima University Hospital(Medical)) (
All Special Issues | Plastic and Aesthetic Research (

Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office
Plastic and Aesthetic Research

Plastic and Aesthetic Research
ISSN 2349-6150 (Online)   2347-9264 (Print)


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