
Special Interview with Journal Editorial Board Member Prof. Mario Morino

Published on: 11 Jun 2024 Viewed: 168

On Aug 12, 2022, the Editorial Office of Mini-invasive Surgery (MIS) was honored to interview journal Editorial Board Member Prof. Mario Morino from the Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Torino, Torino, Italy.

In Jan 2021, Prof. Morino and his team published the article Large hiatal hernia: minimizing early and long-term complications after minimally invasive repair in MIS, which has gained over 3,000 views, 370 downloads, and 3 citations. The topic “hiatal hernia” attracted so many experts' attention, so we invited Prof. Morino to share his perspectives on the topic and give some suggestions for surgeons to manage the disease.

The other article Reflux following bariatric surgery published by Prof. Morino and his team in May 2022 is a hot topic in bariatric surgery. Prof. Morino talked about the rules that must be followed in the treatment of reflux and the future trend in the field.

Here are details of the interview:

Q1. Could you please share from a professional perspective why the topic “hiatal hernia” attracts so much attention from experts? In addition, as stated in the article “Large hiatal hernia: minimizing early and long-term complications after minimally invasive repair”, “the treatment of Paraesophageal Hernia is challenging”, do you have supplementary suggestions for surgeons to manage this disease? Moreover, for the treatment of PEH, are there any new techniques/progress to be expected?

Q2. On May 17, 2022, “Reflux following bariatric surgery” was published successfully. As mentioned, there is controversy surrounding which bariatric procedure should be offered to obese patients with GERD. Could you please share some of your perspectives on this point? Do you have any special advice for doctors to treat GERD and what rules should be followed?

Q3. We noticed that you received the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ at the World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery in November 2021, which is the most important worldwide recognition in the field of laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery. Then, can you share with us the story behind this award? And how does this award encourage you and your team to undertake current and future work?

Q4. As a leading expert in the field of minimally invasive surgery, what advice do you have for doctors who are about to enter the field?

Q5. As an Editorial Board Member of MIS, combined with your personal editorial experience, what principles do you think editors should follow to make a high-quality journal? Do you have any suggestions to facilitate the journal’s development?

Prof. Morino and his team have been dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients. He suggested that the next generation of surgeons need to pay more attention to the quality of life and get good results in terms of patients' cure and survival. Prof. Morino also put forward some suggestions to facilitate the journal’s development. The editorial department will continue to adhere to the principle of high-quality publication and strive for further development of MIS under the strong support of Prof. Morino.

Expert's Introduction

Prof. Mario Morino is the chairman of General and Oncological Surgery, the Emergency Surgical University Unit, and the Center for Minimal Invasive Surgery at the Molinette Hospital, University of Torino. He is the Past President of the European Surgical Association, the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, and the Italian Society for Endoscopic Surgery. He has experience with more than 9,000 interventions performed laparoscopically and about 5,000 performed openly. He introduced laparoscopy in Italy and performed laparoscopically the first cholecystectomy (1990) and the first fundoplication (1991) in Italy, the first gastric banding for obesity in the world (1993). His main clinical focus is the minimally invasive treatment of colorectal cancer, bariatric surgery, and functional upper GI surgery.

Respectfully Submitted by the Journal Editorial Office
Mini-invasive Surgery

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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