
Controversies in Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery: A Panel Discussion by International Experts

Published on: 11 Jun 2024 Viewed: 197

An international seminar related to Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery was  successfully held online on January 23, 2021 by the Editorial Office of Mini-invasive Surgery. The seminar was hosted by our Associate Editor Prof. Farid Gharagozloo, who is currently serving as the director of Thoracic Surgery at Advent Health Celebration Medical Center in the USA. In addition, he is regarded as one of the world's leading experts in robotic surgery.

The conference speakers are outstanding experts in related fields across the world, each of whom gave an impressive and innovative presentation about Thoracic Surgery & Robotic Surgery. Details will be shown below.

The session lasted more than 3 hours, during which each speaker contributed a presentation about selected topics, followed by questions and discussions from all participants. With the positive and inspiring atmosphere, the discussion was very intense. We believe that the seminar like this will help facilitate the ongoing progress about thoracic surgery and robotic surgery. Here are some of the highlights of the speakers' presentations and inspiring opinions.

Session highlights

1. Welcome speech from editorial office

An Assistant Editor gave a presentation about Mini-invasive Surgery. After introducing the general information, Editorial Board, the innovative idea and further development plan of the journal, the Editor sent warm greetings to all participants.

2. Presentation of the speakers

Richard Stephen Lazzaro, M.D.
Topic: Robotic Airway Surgery
The first surgeon in the world to perform minimally invasive robotic surgery on patients with tracheobronchomalacia, Director of thoracic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, as well as one of the world's leading experts in the field of robotic surgery.

Alper Torker, M.D.
Topic: VATS and Robotic Surgery - Extended Surgery for Lung Cancer
A research fellow at the Heart and Vascular Institute of West Virginia University in the United States and the past President of the European Society of Thoracic Surgery in 2020.

Fiars Abu Akar, M.D.
Topic: Uniportal VATS in Children
Head of Thoracic Surgery Unit at AL-Makassed Charitable Hospital, Jerusale, Israel.

Ghulam Abbas, M.D.
Topic: Robotic Pulmonary Segmentectomy: Indications and Techniques
Professor of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, and Director of Thoracic Surgery, West Virginia University Cancer Institute.

Hitoshi Igai, M.D.
Topic:  Uniportal VATS Anatomical Pulmonary Resection
Assistant Director of Thoracic Surgery and Deputy Director of Endoscopic Surgery Center, Maebashi Red Cross Hospital, Gunma Prefecture, Japan.

Farid Gharazogloo, M.D.
Topic: Robotic Anatomic Pulmonary Resection
Director of Thoracic Surgery at Adventhealth Celebration Medical Center, Florida, USA. Professor at the University of Central Florida, is one of the world's leading experts in the field of robotic surgery and minimally invasive surgery.

3. Discussion section

At the end of the meeting, Editorial Office conveyed our gratitude and expressed our best wishes to all the participates, wishing them to live a happy and safe life during this unprecedented period.

Mini-invasive Surgery will hold more seminars in terms of gastroesophageal surgery, colorectal surgery, heart surgery and other minimally invasive fields in 2021. We are looking forward to inviting more well-experienced experts and enthusiastic young scholars to participate in the future seminars.

Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of Mini-invasive Surgery.

Thank you for your attention!

Written by Judith Duan
Assistant Editor of Mini-invasive Surgery

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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