
A Special Interview with Guest Editor-Prof. Om P. Malik

Published on: 30 Aug 2023 Viewed: 562

On August 30, 2023, the Editorial Office of the Journal of Smart Environments and Green Computing (JSEGC) had the honor of interviewing the Guest Editor of the Special Issue entitled "Optimized Operation and Energy Management of Microgrid", Prof. Om P. Malik, from the University of Calgary, Canada. During the interview, which centered around his research in the development of controllers for applications in electric power systems and wind power generation, Prof. Malik provided valuable insights on the future direction and new progress.

Prof. Om P. Malik hails from the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering at the University of Calgary, Canada. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IET, the Engineering Institute of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Engineers Canada, and the World Innovation Foundation. Prof. Malik has conducted pioneering work in the development of controllers for applications in electric power systems and wind power generation over the past five decades. After extensive testing, the adaptive controllers developed by his group are now employed on large generating units. His other interests include digital protection, control of renewable power generation and micro-grids, and AI applications in power system control. He has published over 800 papers, including more than 400 in international journals, and is the co-author of four books.

The recording of this interview can be found below:
Q1: After nine years of experience in electric utilities, you returned to academia. Could you share the story behind this decision?
Q2: Could you please give us a broad overview of the future direction and new progress we can anticipate in the development of controllers for applications in electric power systems and wind power generation?
Q3: I believe that there must be many young scholars in the same research field as you, and some of them regard you as their role model. A scholar left a message on your social media saying that you are very responsible and result-oriented. So, could you please provide some advice on how to be result-driven to complete the work better?
Q4: In your interview, we know that you have been involved in reviewing scientific papers. Could you share with us your criteria for selecting high-quality scientific publications?

For more information about Prof. Om P. Malik, please visit the following links:
IEEE Xplore:

Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office
Journal of Smart Environments and Green Computing

Journal of Smart Environments and Green Computing
ISSN 2767-6595 (Online)
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