
Respiratory abnormalities in Dravet syndrome: insights from a case report and literature review

Figure 1. Respiratory polysomnography (age 3 years and 2 months) reveals brief apneas and shallow breathing with a concurrent reduction in oxygen saturation. Respiratory polysomnography was recorded in wakefulness simultaneously with EEG during a febrile infection (without concomitant seizures) but in a phase of relative well-being. It demonstrates an approximately 6-second apnea (leftmost panel) corresponding to an oxygen saturation of 95%. This brief apnea is followed by a phase of shallow breathing, during which saturation decreases to 91%, as highlighted by the two panels on the right. These two alterations in the respiratory pattern do not show an ictal EEG correlation. EEG data: High-pass filter 70 Hz, low-pass filter 1.6 Hz, notch filter 50 Hz, amplitude 100 uV/cm. ECG: Electrocardiogram; PNG: pneumogram; DelD: polygraph on right deltoid muscle; DelS: polygraph on left deltoid muscle; PULS: peripheral pulse; BEAT: heart frequency; SpO2: oxygen saturation.

Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal
ISSN 2771-2893 (Online)
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