
Insulin increases type I collagen synthesis in hepatic stellate cells via α5β1 integrin

Figure 2. The Ins effect on COL1 production. (A) represents higher COL1 promoter activity measured as CAT transgene activity in the presence of Ins (5 µmol) relative to its absence (Ctrl). Results are compiled from 4 independent experiments. Average Ctrl CAT activity is shown as 1 (100%), with bars representing SEM; (B) represents Western blot analysis of COL1 protein levels following treatment with Ins from two independent experiments. HSC cultures were treated with different doses of Ins ranging from 0.5-50 µmol. All tested doses increased the amount of synthesized COL1, with 5 µmol being the most effective. β-actin was used for normalization against loaded proteins. Gels were scanned using image J v1.53t, and the density of each test band was divided by its corresponding loading Ctrl, represented in arbitrary units (a.u) in the accompanying graph. CAT: Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase; HSCs: hepatic stellate cells; COL1: type 1 collagen; Ins: insulin; Ctrl: control; SEM: standard error of mean.

Metabolism and Target Organ Damage
ISSN 2769-6375 (Online)
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