
Mapping cracks on port concrete pavements by analyzing structural health monitoring metadata with computer vision-based techniques

Figure 11. Definition of the study area in Lavrio port, Attica, Greece enclosed within the black outlined rectangle. Red-colored crack lines are digitized based on ISI-1. Green-colored crack lines are the new and/or propagated digitized cracks based on ISI-2 for the time interval between ISI-1 and ISI-2. Yellow-colored crack lines are the new and/or propagated digitized cracks based on ISI-3 for the time interval between ISI-2 and ISI-3. Light blue-colored crack lines are the new and/or propagated digitized cracks based on ISI-4 for the time interval between ISI-3 and ISI-4. The crack digitization process involved using GIS tools to visually detect cracks by working on the orthophotos of each ISI. (source: own work).

Complex Engineering Systems
ISSN 2770-6249 (Online)


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