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Cyclic pulse loads generate the new concept in abdominal wall reconstruction: suture closure

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Mini-invasive Surg 2023;7:20.
10.20517/2574-1225.2023.24 |  © The Author(s) 2023.
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Aim: Incisional hernias frequently occur after open abdominal surgery. Up to 30% of elective midline laparotomy closures result in an incisional hernia. The properties of a safe abdominal wall reconstruction must be assessed under lifelike conditions to obtain a realistic estimate of the durability. The interplay of the biomechanical qualities determines the long-term stability of a repair. Various suture materials and techniques for optimal closure of the abdominal wall are still under discussion. The results of this experimental study might significantly affect the active discussion about optimal suturing techniques for median abdominal wall closure.

Methods: For this purpose, a bench test was developed that delivers repetitive cyclic pressure impacts to the abdominal wall, simulating coughs. This allows the assessment of the reconstructed abdominal wall as a compound. We used stiff porcine abdominal walls and elastic bovine flanks as model tissues. We chose two different types of defects. Type one consisted of a 15 cm long medial incision, whereas for type two, a 5 cm circular defect was added in the center of the incision. The incisions were solely sutured in large-bite (0.8-1.2 mm bites) or small-bite (0.5-0.8 mm bites) technique with Monomax® or PDS® sutures USP 2-0 or USP 1. The suture to wound length (SWL) ratio had to exceed 4:1. After suturing, the tissues were subjected to repetitive cyclic loading on a validated bench test.

Results: We found that regardless of technique and material thickness, secure closure of median abdominal wall incisions is feasible by suturing. In larger defects, the small bites technique using Monomax® sutures achieves a safer closure compared to PDS® sutures.

Conclusion: Based on the results of this experimental study, a tailored standardized closure technique after midline incision of the abdominal wall, including an optional mesh augmentation, is recommended.


Incisional hernia, suture technique, abdominal wall reconstruction, biomechanical repair, multiaxial tissue assessment


In daily life, the abdominal wall gets stressed by repetitive peaks of intraabdominal pressure while moving, defecating, or coughing. Therefore, an existing abdominal wall reconstruction needs to withstand these repetitive loads[1]. However, currently, up to 20% of the sutured incisions reopen results in hernias[2]. A reconstructed abdominal wall behaves as a coherent compound and must, therefore, be assessed as such[3,4]. To improve clinical care, abdominal wall closure should be examined closely and need to be tested under lifelike conditions to obtain a realistic estimation of their behavior and durability.

For this purpose, we built a bench test that delivers repetitive cyclic pressure impacts, simulating coughs[5,6]. Increasing the amount of the pressure impacts and their height leads to the development and enlargement of a hernia. This process of reconstruction failure starts early after closure[7,8].

The formation of an incisional hernia reveals an insufficiency of the compound, specifically the sutured abdominal wall. The long-term success of a repair is determined by the creation of a successful synergy among the individual components. The suture technique determines the load distribution of the intraabdominal pressure on the abdominal wall. Additionally, the combination of the chosen material, the individual tissue qualities, the type of defect, and the load determines the durability of the reconstruction[3,9].

In a randomized controlled study (ESTOIH study), the best results to date were achieved by means of the short stitch technique compared to the long stitch technique (4.23% vs. 8.24%) in the 1-year follow-up, with both groups using Monomax®[10]. The current EHS guidelines recommend a continuous small-stitch-small-bite technique with a suture to wound length (SWL) of at least 4:1. It is recommended to use a slowly resorbable suture. No specific recommendation is suggested regarding the suture material and size[11,12]. Previous studies showed that the careful execution and standardization of surgical sutures enhance the outcome significantly[13,14].

Despite active research to continually improve hernia reconstruction, recurrence rates remain high[2]. The performed experiments contribute to the active discussion about the optimal suturing techniques for median abdominal wall closure.


The bench test for generating cyclic pulse loads

We used stiff porcine and elastic bovine tissues as models for the abdominal wall. German pigs and cattle were butchered at one to two years of age and delivered to the lab cooled on the same day. The porcine tissues consist of the entire abdominal wall with similar properties to the human abdominal wall[15]. The bovine tissues include the oblique abdominal muscles, simulating thin and soft abdominal walls. The two tissue types differ in their distinct median elasticity[16]. The model tissues were repeatedly loaded with cyclic impacts on our validated bench test, as previously described[13,16]. The test bench simulates high pressure impacts on the sutured tissue with a customizable pressure plateau phase and maximum pressure, as it can occur during heavy coughing. One out of three of our patients coughs over 400 times in the first 24 hours postoperatively[17]. Accordingly, we loaded the reconstructed tissues 425 times with cyclic pressure impacts. The bench test is shown in Figure 1.

Cyclic pulse loads generate the new concept in abdominal wall reconstruction: suture closure

Figure 1. (A) Photo of the bench test and its elements (1: water cylinder with cover plate, 2: tank opening where pressure impacts are applied to the mounted tissue, 3: base frame with pipe system including inlet and outlet valves and pressure tank); (B) Mounted sutured tissue on the bench test during maximum pressure impact, suture tension is measured.

We investigated the performance and stability of various suture techniques for midline abdominal incisions. We chose two different types of defects. For defect type one, we cut a 15 cm long medial incision into the tissues. For defect type two, we punched an additional 5 cm large circular defect in the center of the incision. The incisions were solely sutured in large-bite (0.8-1.2 cm bites) or small-bite (0.5-0.8 cm bites) technique with Monomax® or PDS® sutures USP 2-0 or USP 1. ® Monomax® suture material is manufactured of poly-4-hydroxybutyrate. It differs from PDS® in its ultra-long resorption time of 18 months and elasticity of 90%. The SWL ratio had to exceed 4:1[10,18]. The incisions with defects were closed in a standardized technique[13] by two surgeons experienced in suture technique research. The nomination terminology is given in Table 1. The exact test setup for each test is shown in Table 2.

Table 1

Nomination system

TissueB:Bovine tissue
P:Porcine tissue
Test bench settings120 /150 /180 /210 /240Maximum pressure in mmHg
Cover platesOSquare opening, A = 256 cm2
cOCircular opening, A = 490 cm2
DefectINIncision 15 cm
DC5Defect circular 5 cm
INDC5Incision + defect circular
MaterialsMM 20 /1Monomax® USP 2-0 or 1
PDS 20PDS® USP 2-0
Technical detailsSBu
Small-stitch-small-bite unstandardized suturing
Small-stitch-small-bite standardized suturing
Large-stitch-large-bite unstandardized suturing
Large-stitch-large-bite standardized suturing
Table 2

List of the 15 test series performed with a total of 150 tests with each setup and the likelihood of secure closure (LOSC)

SeriesTitleTissueDefect shapeDefect
size (cm)
StandardizationAmount of stitches (n)S:W-L-RatioLOSC until
ST (%)
ES 1P-210-0.2sP-sO-IN-MM20-SBuporcineincision152-0SSSBno23.74.4100
ES 2P-210-0.2sP-sO-IN-MM20-LBuporcineincision152-0LSLBno13.84.4100
ES 3B-210-0.2sP-sO-IN-MM20-SBubovineincision152-0SSSBno234.3100
ES 4B-210-0.2sP-sO-IN-MM20-LBubovineincision152-0LSLBno13.84.4100
ES 5P-210-0.2sP-sO-IN-MM1-SBuporcineincision151SSSBno22.44.4100
ES 6P-210-0.2sP-sO-IN-MM1-LBuporcineincision151LSLBno13.94.4100
ES 7B-210-0.2sP-sO-IN-MM1-SBubovineincision151SSSBno224.3100
ES 8B-210-0.2sP-sO-IN-MM1-LBubovineincision151LSLBno13.94.3100
ES 9P-210-0.1sP-sO-INDC5-PDS20-SBsporcineincision+circular15 + 52-0SSSByes214.1100
ES 10P-210-0.1sP-cO-INDC5-MM20-SBsporcineincision+circular15 + 52-0SSSByes274.590
ES 11P-210-0.1sP-cO-INDC5-PDS20-SBsporcineincision+circular15 + 52-0SSSByes23.54.340
ES 12P-210-0.1sP-cO-INDC5-PDS20-SBs 1porcineincision+circular15 + 52-0SSSByes244.230
ES 13P-210-0.1sP-cO-INDC5-PDS20-SBs 2porcineincision+circular15 + 52-0SSSByes224.130
ES 14P-180-0.1sP-cO-INDC5-PDS20-SBs-1porcineincision+circular15 + 52-0SSSByes224.150
ES 15P-180-0.1sP-cO-INDC5-PDS20-SBs-2porcineincision+circular15 + 52-0SSSByes224.140

The test was terminated if the reconstruction failed or if 425 DIS impacts were delivered. Failure was defined as slackening of the suture, tearing of the suture through the tissue, or tearing of the tissue itself. The occurrence and onset of the failure pattern were observed in the experiments. The study comprises a total of 15 experimental series (ES), each involving ten experiments [Table 2].

Statistical analysis

For the groups with skewed results, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for non-parametric testing. The significance was analyzed with a Mann-Whitney U test. We used curves similar to survival curves that illustrate the likelihood of a durable closure.


In eight ES (1-8), we performed a structured investigation of four influencing factors on the suture durability. We varied the stitch spacing (Large-Bite vs. Small-Bite), the suture material (Monomax®vs. PDS®) and the suture thickness (USP 1 vs. 2/0), and the tissue type (bovine and porcine). The WSL showed no significant variation with values between 4.3 to 4.4 throughout ES 1-8 [Table 2]. In series 9-15, we investigated further influencing circumstances such as the standardization of the suture, a different suture material, an additional defect, a larger impact area, or a lower peak pressure.

Figure 1 illustrates the comparison of unstandardized Small-Bite stitches vs. Large Bite stitches performed with a USP 2/0 or USP 1 Monomax® suture, closing midline incisions (ES 1 + 2, 5 + 6). 100% durability was obtained in all series, regardless of the stitch spacing, thread thickness, and tissue type.

The durability drops by 10%-50% when adding a circular defect into the incision and using the cover plate with the larger opening. We used a standardized small-stitch-small-bite technique with USP 2/0 Monomax® or PDS® sutures.

The standardized small-bite Monomax® suture (triangles) provided secure closure in 9 out of 10 experiments [Figure 2]. It showed a 50% higher likelihood of secure closure (LOSC) (P = 0.064) than the PDS® suture (dots).

Cyclic pulse loads generate the new concept in abdominal wall reconstruction: suture closure

Figure 2. Likelihood of secure closure (LOSC) until suture failure of USP 2/0 or UPS 1 Monomax® sutures in Small-Bite (SB) or Large-Bite (LB) technique closing a 15 cm long midline incision in porcine and bovine tissue depending on the amount of DIS impacts with 210 mmHg.

Series 11-13 and series 14 + 15 had the same experimental setup, with a peak pressure of 210 mmHg or 180 mmHg. 30%-40% of the sutures held securely when exposed to 210 mmHg [Figure 3]. When the peak pressure lowers by 30 mmHg, the LOSC rises by 20%-30%. Figure 4 the upper and lower graph show differences in the durability between 200 and 400 DIS impacts due to the stochastic nature of the process. The graphs converge at 425 impacts. This demonstrates the reproducibility of the process with 425 impacts[15].

Cyclic pulse loads generate the new concept in abdominal wall reconstruction: suture closure

Figure 3. Likelihood of secure closure (LOSC) until suture failure of USP 2/0 PDS® sutures in standardized Small-Bite (SSSBs) technique closing a 15 cm long midline incision with a 5 cm large circular defect (INDC5) in porcine tissue depending on the amount of DIS impacts with 180 mmHg (B) or 210 mmHg (A).

Cyclic pulse loads generate the new concept in abdominal wall reconstruction: suture closure

Figure 4. Likelihood of secure closure (LOSC) until suture failure of USP 2/0 Monomax® (MM) or PDS® sutures in standardized Small-Bite (SSSBs) technique closing a 15 cm long midline incision with a 5 cm large circular defect (INDC5) in porcine tissue depending on the amount of DIS impacts with 210 mmHg.


The bench test we used allows the simulation of everyday loads on the abdominal wall. According to modern biomechanics, the tissue and reconstruction need to be considered and assessed as a compound.

The durability of a suture closure does not solely depend on the accurate execution of one specific factor. The interplay of the individual influencing factors determines the outcome of the suture closure of the abdominal wall. This applies to any experimental and clinical setting. It is the base of the existing GRIP/CRIP concept[19,20]. The standardized suture, used in ES 9 - 15, provides an instruction for secure suture closure by combining the influencing factors[13]. However, the success of a suture is limited by external influences, e.g., defect size, retention force of the tissue, applied strain, and impact area.

Previous experiments have shown that the addition of a circular defect to the incision reduces the durability of unstandardized wound closure with MonoMax® to 0%. Standardization of the suture technique can increase the durability to 100%[13]. Increasing the impact area and using PDS® instead of Monomax® sutures again lowered the durability. Our experiments revealed clear differences in the durability of sutures with Monomax® or PDS® sutures. This is in contrast to the literature, which indicates only minor differences between various sutures[12,21].

In low-risk cases, an unstandardized suture closure seems to be stable, regardless of the chosen technique and material. In high-risk cases, such as larger defects or unstable tissue, Monomax® small-stitch-small-bite sutures in standardized protocol appear to be a safer choice[13].


Secure closure of median abdominal wall incisions is achievable with sutures regardless of small or large bite technique and material thickness. But as can be seen from the GRIP/CRIP concept, larger defects require more complex reconstruction. For larger defects, suture closure alone may not be sufficient, depending on the circumstances. A larger impact area, for example, lowers the durability. This experimental study revealed that Monomax® sutures provide a higher level of closure security than PDS® sutures. The thickness of the suture showed no difference. It is advisable to choose the safest suture technique and mesh reinforcement in larger abdominal wall defects.



We thank the financial support by the Heidelberger Stiftung Chirurgie (grants 2016/ 22, 2017/ 171, 2018/ 215, 2019/ 288, 2020/ 376, and 2021/ 444).

Authors’ contributions

Performed the data analysis and wrote the article: Lesch C

Performed the experiments: Kugel F, Uhr K

Lead the construction of the bench test and its maintenance: Vollmer M

Contributed important thoughts and discussions for the construction of the experiments and the paper: Nessel R

Closely guided the execution of the experiments, designed parts of the experiments, and continuously supervised the paper: Kallinowski F

Designed parts of the experiments and proofread the paper: Fortelny RH

Availability of data and materials

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without reservation.

Financial support and sponsorship

We thank the financial support by the Heidelberger Stiftung Chirurgie (grants 2016/ 22, 2017/ 171, 2018/ 215, 2019/ 288, 2020/ 376, and 2021/ 444).

Disclaimer FK received financial and material support from Baxter, Becton Dickinson, Corza, Dahlhausen, Ethicon, FEG, GEM, Medtronic, Olympus, and PFM medical based on a Third-Party-Funding-Agreement with the Heidelberg University and / or with Asklepios proresearch. Fortelny RH. Received speaker's honorarium by B.Braun, Becton Dickinsin, and Medtronic and research grants by the Wiener Gesundheitsverbund, Klinik Ottakring, 523403.

Conflicts of interest

All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.

Ethical approval and consent to participate

The research was conducted after building a bench test for low cyclic loading of tissues. Human material was not used. Accordingly, no informed consent from patients was required. The ethical approval to use animal tissues was given by local authorities according to European law with the permission DE 08 221 1018.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.


© The Author(s) 2023.


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Original Article
Open Access
Cyclic pulse loads generate the new concept in abdominal wall reconstruction: suture closure
Carolin LeschCarolin  Lesch, ... René H. FortelnyRené H.  Fortelny

How to Cite

Lesch, C.; Kugel F.; Uhr K.; Vollmer M.; Nessel R.; Kallinowski F.; Fortelny R. H. Cyclic pulse loads generate the new concept in abdominal wall reconstruction: suture closure. Mini-invasive. Surg. 2023, 7, 20.

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